- [about a big wedding]
- Jack Malone: Very good. The society page says this is the first big event of the season.
- Martin: You read the society page, huh?
- Jack Malone: Uh-huh. Right after I read the obits.
- Jack Malone: According to the groom, she was an angel.
- Martin: I guess love is blind. And deaf, And very, very dumb.
- Jack Malone: Spoken like a true romantic.
- Martin: You know I just keep wondering if Charlie knew all along. I mean he was in that house too. Who knows? Maybe that's why he married her. He was trying to save her.
- Jack Malone: Maybe. Maybe it was love.
- Martin: You going to tell me you still buy into it?
- Jack Malone: Sure. Marriage, kids, the whole nine yards.
- [Martin looks at him with skepticism]
- Jack Malone: I didn't say I was good at it. I just said I was a fan.
- [auctioneer's daughter is kidnapped]
- Jack Malone: Why didn't you contact us when you got the call?
- Mr. Beckworth: I thought I could handle it myself.
- Jack Malone: Yeah, with your extensive knowledge of selling Ming vases?
- [after Charlie shoots his father for molesting his wife when she was a little girl]
- Charlie Beckworth: Shut up! Just shut up! Sick sonuvabitch.
- Mr. Beckworth: [shouting] She's lying!
- [Danny stands over Mr. Beckworth]
- Danny: Shut. Up.