1,287 reviews
- LordBlacklist
- Dec 29, 2007
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- molly75-237-629543
- Jun 14, 2024
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- call_me_grudge
- Dec 30, 2007
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What will it take to convince the idiots running the major Hollywood studios when to push the stop button? It's a strange time we're living in where even critically panned films are being warranted sequels now as the aim definitely seems to be making more franchises than stand- alone films & grab as much cash as possible by building on the (financial) success of the original.
Continuing the crossover of Alien & Predator series, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (also known as AVP:R) begins right where the first film of this newly established franchise signed off. Set in Gunnison Country where a Predator spaceship carrying a hybrid alien crashes, the film continues the war between the two iconic-but-now-turned-idiotic species with stupid humans caught in between.
Terribly directed by Brothers Strause, the movie marks a new low for any cinema that has featured either creatures so far and is an absolute trash from start to finish. Horribly written, badly photographed, tediously edited & full of dull characters (this time including the two creatures as well), there isn't one thing worth liking in this garbage throughout its runtime.
On an overall scale, continuing the recent tradition of making a mockery of all cinema classics by sequels, prequels, remakes, reboots or spin-offs, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem is one of the most boring orgy of mindless violence whose only improvement over its already pathetic predecessor comes in its upgrade from PG-13 to R-Rated. Needs to be buried alive with whoever green- lighted it.
Continuing the crossover of Alien & Predator series, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (also known as AVP:R) begins right where the first film of this newly established franchise signed off. Set in Gunnison Country where a Predator spaceship carrying a hybrid alien crashes, the film continues the war between the two iconic-but-now-turned-idiotic species with stupid humans caught in between.
Terribly directed by Brothers Strause, the movie marks a new low for any cinema that has featured either creatures so far and is an absolute trash from start to finish. Horribly written, badly photographed, tediously edited & full of dull characters (this time including the two creatures as well), there isn't one thing worth liking in this garbage throughout its runtime.
On an overall scale, continuing the recent tradition of making a mockery of all cinema classics by sequels, prequels, remakes, reboots or spin-offs, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem is one of the most boring orgy of mindless violence whose only improvement over its already pathetic predecessor comes in its upgrade from PG-13 to R-Rated. Needs to be buried alive with whoever green- lighted it.
- CinemaClown
- Oct 31, 2014
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Let me start by saying i'am huge Aliens fan, i love Predator and i played the Aliens Vs Predator games to death and they were just fantastic. The first film bothered me and i didn't like it, but i didn't hate it. This "movie" however i do hate with a passion, heres why.
My biggest problem with this film is that its set in suburban America! Thats not the iconic setting you come to expect from an Alien movie or the true AVP series which are the comics and games which are set in the same murky dark settings of the Alien films. It takes all the imagination that could have been had in a futuristic setting and dashes it. I just can not get over that, you have a great series of AVP comics and games that helped to create a truly great setting ,atmosphere,locations, characters and some great stories but no they went with the biggest horror movie cliché of all setting it in a small suburban town ignoring all the potential the AVP series and giving us a cheap horror flick, honestly sometimes when i heard an alien creep up on someone i almost expect Jason Voorhees to kill them instead.
But lets talk about the Aliens and Predators, what can i say about them? well they look like they should at least. But the way they act is if you'll excuse the pun "alien" to how they would in the games and comics. The Predator is best example...hes meant to be hunting the Aliens but they manage to get the best of him a lot in the this, sneaking up behind him and if you know anything about Predators you'd know there's no way this would happen, they're highly trained killing machines and i just thought the whole thing was like cops and robbers, the Predator is the cop after the Aliens (the robbers) and they go around town running riot out witting him on every turn and quite frankly hes a joke, he cant even hit them with his shoulder cannon.
The fight scenes...they where none in this movie, it was so dark i could never make any of it out. It sounded cool though. And also, i noticed a lot of the high tension scenes are just taken off the Alien and Predator movies...action for action. There's one in particular i just could not believe. Aliens corner a girl she sits up against a wall while the Alien brings his head down really close to hers to try and get some tension....remind you of that famous scene from Aliens 3? Yes because its exactly it, it was stolen and rehashed for this "movie". There are many other examples, such as the Predator healing his wounds up on a tree and letting out a roar afterward taken from the first Predator film.
There were some issues with the music as well, for example any scene involving the Predator you hear that jungle music from the first Predator movie. No imagination at all, i'am not sure if this was want to be a homage or something but to me it just came off as "look thats the predator music!" trying to let us all know its going to be a scene with the Predator in it, awful, stupid, and unimaginative. They'res also a scene near the end, where a radar can be seen and it makes the noise of the motion detector from Aliens, now that may have been a homage but all it did was make me want to watch Aliens!!.
Story, oddly there is none what so ever. First thirty minutes is a very bad teenage movie nothing appealing what so ever at all. Characters seem to just appear out of thin air in every scene they're just so uninteresting you don't want to get to know them you just want to see the Aliens and Predator killing them. By the end of the film i honest to god could not name any of the characters.
Overall, Awful, one of the worst films i've ever seen. Go and watch it, because if you can get through this "movie" the rest of your life no matter the struggles ,will never be as tough to swallow as this garbage.
My biggest problem with this film is that its set in suburban America! Thats not the iconic setting you come to expect from an Alien movie or the true AVP series which are the comics and games which are set in the same murky dark settings of the Alien films. It takes all the imagination that could have been had in a futuristic setting and dashes it. I just can not get over that, you have a great series of AVP comics and games that helped to create a truly great setting ,atmosphere,locations, characters and some great stories but no they went with the biggest horror movie cliché of all setting it in a small suburban town ignoring all the potential the AVP series and giving us a cheap horror flick, honestly sometimes when i heard an alien creep up on someone i almost expect Jason Voorhees to kill them instead.
But lets talk about the Aliens and Predators, what can i say about them? well they look like they should at least. But the way they act is if you'll excuse the pun "alien" to how they would in the games and comics. The Predator is best example...hes meant to be hunting the Aliens but they manage to get the best of him a lot in the this, sneaking up behind him and if you know anything about Predators you'd know there's no way this would happen, they're highly trained killing machines and i just thought the whole thing was like cops and robbers, the Predator is the cop after the Aliens (the robbers) and they go around town running riot out witting him on every turn and quite frankly hes a joke, he cant even hit them with his shoulder cannon.
The fight scenes...they where none in this movie, it was so dark i could never make any of it out. It sounded cool though. And also, i noticed a lot of the high tension scenes are just taken off the Alien and Predator movies...action for action. There's one in particular i just could not believe. Aliens corner a girl she sits up against a wall while the Alien brings his head down really close to hers to try and get some tension....remind you of that famous scene from Aliens 3? Yes because its exactly it, it was stolen and rehashed for this "movie". There are many other examples, such as the Predator healing his wounds up on a tree and letting out a roar afterward taken from the first Predator film.
There were some issues with the music as well, for example any scene involving the Predator you hear that jungle music from the first Predator movie. No imagination at all, i'am not sure if this was want to be a homage or something but to me it just came off as "look thats the predator music!" trying to let us all know its going to be a scene with the Predator in it, awful, stupid, and unimaginative. They'res also a scene near the end, where a radar can be seen and it makes the noise of the motion detector from Aliens, now that may have been a homage but all it did was make me want to watch Aliens!!.
Story, oddly there is none what so ever. First thirty minutes is a very bad teenage movie nothing appealing what so ever at all. Characters seem to just appear out of thin air in every scene they're just so uninteresting you don't want to get to know them you just want to see the Aliens and Predator killing them. By the end of the film i honest to god could not name any of the characters.
Overall, Awful, one of the worst films i've ever seen. Go and watch it, because if you can get through this "movie" the rest of your life no matter the struggles ,will never be as tough to swallow as this garbage.
- collectiveagency
- Aug 20, 2009
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I honestly thought that this could've been a great movie, but all of it was shot in the dark! I want to enjoy the kills and the alien and predator costumes, but I couldn't see crap, so I had to Lower the rating. If I could see what was happening, this movie would get a 9.
I was so excited when I heard that finally this movie was coming to the theaters because I really liked the first AVP. But it was the worst movie ever of the alien and predator history, including the separate ones...it was so bad that 1 month ago on the internet released a fan movie called "alien vs hunter" I think something like that...it was a "b" movie...I can tell you this that I enjoyed more the fake "b" movie than the original AVPR. Its a shame that they destroyed a movie and the concept of it and I really hope the director of this movie also the lame writer to never get a real job ever in the movies industry...Im wondering if they are proud of the job they did?...because I feel disgraced of watching this crap...get a real job gentlemen..and leave the writing and directing to the professionals. It was so dark all the time you couldn't see anything..r it was supposed to imagine what was happening? The fight scenes?...I've seen so much better on TV series like Babylon 5 or something and the pred-alien? I still don't remember how it looked like. Honestly I really wish that the people who worked in this movie never get a job again because they just destroyed a LEGEND. Waste of money,waste of time.
- AaronCapenBanner
- Aug 26, 2013
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This sequel to the original AVP ups the ante by going for that R-rating. There's a rapid succession of gory deaths, but the decision to film everything in darkness means we can almost never see anything too clearly.
It's not a terrible movie (sorry, I just love these movies) but the characters are very lacking in depth, and are never given any time to develop prior to being gouged or dismembered. This is one of the cruelest entries in either series if you consider some of the victims here. They now had that R-rating and were going for it! It's all edited in a way to confuse the viewer, the action moves too quickly at times. It's also the shortest movie of either series. A little more fleshing out ( no pun intended) of the characters and some lighting adjustments would have helped.
The Predalien was a brilliant idea, but I'm not sure I ever got a good look at it. I think the first AVP was better simply because the aliens were more bad ass than here, where they are less intimidating and are too easily dispatched. I guess this is the weakest link in the series overall, but I still liked most of it. I'm not that hard to please though, I'm a real ho for these movies!
It's not a terrible movie (sorry, I just love these movies) but the characters are very lacking in depth, and are never given any time to develop prior to being gouged or dismembered. This is one of the cruelest entries in either series if you consider some of the victims here. They now had that R-rating and were going for it! It's all edited in a way to confuse the viewer, the action moves too quickly at times. It's also the shortest movie of either series. A little more fleshing out ( no pun intended) of the characters and some lighting adjustments would have helped.
The Predalien was a brilliant idea, but I'm not sure I ever got a good look at it. I think the first AVP was better simply because the aliens were more bad ass than here, where they are less intimidating and are too easily dispatched. I guess this is the weakest link in the series overall, but I still liked most of it. I'm not that hard to please though, I'm a real ho for these movies!
- Lebowskidoo
- Jul 1, 2020
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- samtimoney-79758
- Feb 16, 2019
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One of the worst films I have ever seen and a shameful abuse of one of the greatest movie monsters of all time. The Alien is no longer scary. Gone is the elegance. Gone is the menace and chilling patience. Made by people who know how to make FX but have no real idea about how to make a movie. I sometimes wondered if they were making fun of what had gone before, like a Zucker/Abrams flick as it seemed to veer into what could be construed as parody. Sadly, no.
Remember when you were a kid, playing with, oh let's see, some Star Wars figures? It would be some adventure not from the films but just your own kiddie imagination recreating certain feelings of excitement. And even if Han and Luke were stranded on some carpet planet, they might wind up saying some familiar lines, like "I have a bad feeling about this," or find themselves in a situation more than a bit like one from the films. Just your kid imagination putting together a story that pleases your own juvenile sense of what you feel it should be. And that's fine, because you're a kid and really shouldn't know any better. What's more, you're not getting paid to do it either.
Brother's Strause, go and buy some toys and never go near a film camera again.
Remember when you were a kid, playing with, oh let's see, some Star Wars figures? It would be some adventure not from the films but just your own kiddie imagination recreating certain feelings of excitement. And even if Han and Luke were stranded on some carpet planet, they might wind up saying some familiar lines, like "I have a bad feeling about this," or find themselves in a situation more than a bit like one from the films. Just your kid imagination putting together a story that pleases your own juvenile sense of what you feel it should be. And that's fine, because you're a kid and really shouldn't know any better. What's more, you're not getting paid to do it either.
Brother's Strause, go and buy some toys and never go near a film camera again.
- emerald_dark
- Jan 17, 2008
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- bob the moo
- Aug 16, 2008
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- Feb 8, 2008
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- littlejimmy835
- Dec 26, 2007
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Well either way I sure am not staring at this atrocious film. Or am I? Well, being a fanboy of the original films and seeing the trailer for this flick thinking, "Is this for real? Am I actually seeing an Alien Vs. Predator film that takes it to the streets. The answer is yes. But these would be the streets of the most run down ghetto slum that exists. The film has some decent acting from the cop and the army chick but beside that wow... the younger brother was trying to be a stud but failed miserably. The "hot chick" says about 2 lines that aren't very convincing and trust me... she gets what she deserves. The bully is just a dumb brute. And the older brother, don't get me started on that guy. He was like a fonz-meets Easy Rider type guy and he was just junk. My favorite character would have to be the pizza hut guy who says "screw saving the women and children this isn't titanic" That is absolutely hilarious. The fight scenes are good between the monsters but the build up is way too long. The movie in a nutshell is basically... oh someone dies, lets check it out... oh someone dies, lets check it out. It's monotonous to say the least. During the final chaos scenes in the city the film does get better and some of the scenery is fantastic. Because I am easily amused, I'll give a 6 out of 10. Well, I take that back. That Titanic line was pretty funny. I'll give it a 7 out of 10. But to an average viewer, I suggest putting some thought into your moral standards before seeing this flick. Acting -5/10 Story 4/10 Action 7/10 Titanic Line and Swimming Scene 10/10 Overall 7/10
- bloodthirstyaction
- Jan 30, 2010
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This film and the 1st AvP film both all over the whole Aliens and Predator franchise.
They are awful films, badly acted, badly scripted and terribly directed. They just seem like someones desperate attempt to make money off of the good name of the original aliens and predator films but instead of delivering a well thought out, quality production, they came up with the predaturd.
The original Alien/Aliens/Predator/Predator 2 films were great, they redefined the horror/thriller genre by inventing these insane (and yet still believable) creatures who took the role of the 'serial killer', as opposed to a human.
These films are just milking the franchise and do nothing but darken its name.
The Aliens vs Predator comic books were brilliant and had a great story. They were true to the Alien/Predator mythology, didn't crap all over the original stories etc... Why didn't they make the comic book into a great film? Because Hollywood are idiots, thats why.
They are awful films, badly acted, badly scripted and terribly directed. They just seem like someones desperate attempt to make money off of the good name of the original aliens and predator films but instead of delivering a well thought out, quality production, they came up with the predaturd.
The original Alien/Aliens/Predator/Predator 2 films were great, they redefined the horror/thriller genre by inventing these insane (and yet still believable) creatures who took the role of the 'serial killer', as opposed to a human.
These films are just milking the franchise and do nothing but darken its name.
The Aliens vs Predator comic books were brilliant and had a great story. They were true to the Alien/Predator mythology, didn't crap all over the original stories etc... Why didn't they make the comic book into a great film? Because Hollywood are idiots, thats why.
- tibetanpunk
- Aug 2, 2008
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- movie-hero
- Aug 12, 2010
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This is movie is nothing but GREAT! just great, absolutely amazing in every single way (lighting, action, acting, etc). I hope they remake it in 4k btw sab needs to stop lying about thk
- nadjadiamond
- Jan 9, 2008
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- The-Sarkologist
- Nov 25, 2018
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This entry doesn't contain a spoiler. It doesn't have to. The movie is as predictable as the sunrise. The element in the first Alien movies was the suspense that something COULD happen. This was so in the first two Predator movies, though less prevalent. Requiem has totally removed the element of suspense and replaced it with blood and gore. You know people are going to die (well duh, it is a AvsP movie), but you know WHO is going to die and WHEN they are going to die, AND WHERE they are going to die before it happens. The directors should take a lesson from Hitchcock who said, "Suspense is not a time bomb going off under a table. Suspense is a bomb NOT going off under the table". What's the sense in going to a movie when you know exactly what is going to happen and when? If you really, really want to watch this movie, wait until it comes out on video and then RENT IT, but by no means would I ever buy it.
- pmaglinger
- Dec 28, 2007
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