Lymari Nadal credited as playing...
- Eva: You're Frank and this is your place?
- Frank Lucas: That's right. I'm Frank and this is my place.
- Eva: Why is it called Small's? Why don't you call it Frank's?
- Frank Lucas: When you own something, you can call it what you want.
- Eva: Why would you trust these people? And the way they look at you.
- Frank Lucas: They look at me like it's Christmas and I'm Santa Claus.
- Eva: They look at us like we're the help.
- Frank Lucas: They work for me, now.
- Detective Trupo: Your husband's illustrious career is over. Now the Feds are going to come in, they're gonna take everything. I mean they're gonna take it all. But not before I get my gratuity. So where's the money?
- Eva: What are you talking about, what money?.
- Detective Trupo: What am I talking about, what money? The getaway money that Frank and every other gangster keeps in his house!
- Eva: If you leave now, there's a chance Frank might not kill you.
- [Trupo hits her]
- Frank Lucas: Bumpy ain't hardly ever go out no more. After a certain point he stayed in the house. Watch TV. Play chess. Read the newspaper. I thought he was just trying to lead the quiet life, but no, he couldn't go nowhere. Not without something happening.
- Eva: Frankie... We can still go out.