This is one of the best episodes that I have seen of the entire show. I especially love the opening sequence. It features Crow getting amnesia, but he actually forgot what he really had, so he didn't get it, or something. It's great how we see the scene end right before Mike gives him another hit with the mallet. We then see him constantly miss him! Now that's great comedy. I'm glad I already knew how huge Aaron Spelling's house was to understand the joke. Mike probably deserved to get blown up for dressing like Fonzie. I know almost nothing about "Renegade".
The riffs in this movie were among the funniest I've ever heard. I especially went nuts at, "Hey, that's my womb!" and then immediately, "Here, try this nightie on!". Another great one was, "Okay, we'll give you a chance to act". I also loved, "Take your pants off!", "Where's the shipment?", followed by, "A shipment of pants?!". They even referenced Bruce Jenner as a woman and this was made in 1995! They even mock being topical. Great stuff as always. ****