This is a great mockumentary that many will no doubt enjoy and many others will fail to understand or appreciate. It's a short film about the first mainstream Jewish rap group and you don't need to be Jewish to appreciate it--this goy certainly enjoyed the film.
What's really interesting about this film is who they managed to get in it. One of the group members, Dr. Dreck, was played by George Segal of all people. At 71 years of age, this was quite a stretch!! Plus, they openly admitted it was Segal, though as they said, "being Segal was a role he played...he IS, in actuality, Dr. Dreck"! In addition, there were many cameos by some people in the recording industry but given my advanced age (44) I have no idea who they were, but I did recognize Gary Oldman in a cute cameo.
The songs aren't great but funny as you hear them rap about Chanukah (there are many different acceptable spellings, so get over how I just spelled this) and other aspects of Jewish culture. For those who know next to nothing about Judaism, much of this will fall flat, though I understood the references and laughed along with them.
Well made and silly. Despite being, in essence, a one-joke film, it worked well and I'd love to see more films like it. Word.