The film adaptation has very noticeable differences compared to the original Japanese manga. One of these key differences is when Kiyoha first gets her name. In the manga, she is first named Tomeki as she gets sold off as a child. Later she takes the name of O-Rin as a Hikkomi (or courtesan-in-training), and later takes the name Kiyoha. In the film, she is named Kiyoha as a child and then later named Higurashi as she becomes the Tayu (the highest ranked Oiran). Another notable change is the ending, where it originally ended with Kiyoha going back to the brothel after being rejected by Soujiro. The film instead makes this the midpoint and everything that comes after, including Kiyoha becoming a Tayu and being renamed Higurashi as well as the new ending with Kiyoha running away with Seiji is completely new.
Yuki Tanada, who is most well known for One Million Yen Girl (2008) is the screenwriter for this film and her first time writing a film without directing. Tanada was shown around the set by this film's director Mika Ninagawa, which it was widely uncommon for a writer to visit the set on Japanese productions. She would praise Ninagawa for maintaining a calm yet fun atmosphere on set and her directing style, stating she creates beautiful images and that Tanada couldn't have made a film like that.