If you're extremely picky about how a film looks, you should know this is an independent movie with a low budget so it's pretty grainy throughout. However, that's just something they couldn't help due to their limitations, unlike Hollywood yet they still produce mostly crap.
Now the movie itself though is a hoot 'n holler. The main characters acted by Brett Kelly and Caitlin DeLaney were a surprise to say the least. I started the movie not expecting much except some gore but those two plus an incredibly snappy script made for a very enjoyable movie. I would even say this is more of a comedy than a horror movie since there really isn't that much blood or gore and when they do show some it's a little thing. The rest of the film is mostly just jokes after another though.
If you're up for some goofiness check this movie out. You'll enjoy it. And by the way there's something after the credits.