- Salon.com [Andrew O'Hehir]
- San Francisco Chronicle [Walter Addiego]
- The Village Voice [Vadim Rizov]
- A well written Film about a really bad writer [Ned Jordan]
- Ain't it cool news
- Ain't it Cool News
- Austin Chronicle
- Austin Chronicle [Marc Savlov]
- BFSS Scotland
- BlogCritics [Daniel Terracina]
- CinemATL Capsule Review [Martin Kelley]
- Comedic Diamonds in the Roughage [Greg Wright]
- Cute, heartfelt and very clever [B. Alan Orange]
- Daily Nebraskan [Mekita Rivas]
- Dallas Morning News Review [Cary Darling]
- DVD Remarkable Debut, Newblaze [Kam Williams]
- DVD Snapshot [Jay Kulpa]
- Film Snobbery
- Film-Forward.com
- Funny, smart, unique [Jon Peters]
- Hollywood Toto
- Indie Express Movie Reviews
- Isthmus Daily Page
- Journal Star [L. Kent Wolgamott]
- Just Press Play Review [Arya Ponto]
- Kam Williams Review
- metacritic.com - Reviews and Scores from Leading Film Critics
- Monsters and Critics
- Movie review [KaffeineBuzz]
- Movie review by John P. Meyer
- Movie Web [B. Alan Orange]
- NationalLampoon.com [Matt Zaller]
- New York Times
- Newbury Comics Review
- PopcornReel.com [Omar P.L. Moore]
- Review Pegasus News [John P. Meyer]
- Review: Skills Like This A Fun Debut
- Skills Like This DVD Review [Neil]
- Skills Like This has Skills review [Mr. Movie]
- Slant Magazine [Nick Schager]
- THE Blvd Mag
- The Daily Page review [Amelia Cook]
- The Denver Post
- The Lantern review
- The NYC Movie Guru [Avi Offer]
- The Onion A.V. Club [Noel Murray]
- The Other View
- The Projection Booth [Rob Humanick]
- The Stranger [Lindy West]
- Time Out New York
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