Bart Mastronardi's disturbing horror story follows a deeply troubled young man (nicely played by Keith Fraser) who is literally visited by Guilt after a failed suicide attempt. The story builds slowly but surely, allowing the audience to empathize with the characters. So, by the time the gory mayhem begins, it is all the more shocking and, ultimately, heartbreaking. There are a few limitations with the very low budget, but Mastronardi's skillful writing, directing, and cinematography impresses as much as (if not more than) a Hollywood filmmaker. In fact, he is able to show us a passion for visuals and storytelling that very few big-budget directors possess. So, if you are only looking for the standard slice-and-dice, don't bother. But if you are interested in viewing a challenging and memorable piece of work, then this is a must-see. Kudos must also go to actors Alan Rowe Kelly and Jerry Murdock, who give excellent supporting performances.