Maxwell McCabe-Lokos credited as playing...
- Tracey Berkowitz: [trying to leave in a hurry] I just don't like owing anybody anything, okay?
- Lance: Alright, look. You don't owe anybody anything but there's going to be a blizzard out there, alright? The weather channel says that exposed skin can be frostbitten in three minutes. And that snow has this effect on people. It's hypnotic. It's the white. Too much whiteness, okay? People fall asleep in the snow. Nobody finds them until the spring and they're fucking dead. Don't you watch the weather channel? People are dying out there.
- Tracey Berkowitz: [beginning to cry] I gotta find my brother.
- Lance: Look at that. Look at this crow. Fucking hell, look at the crow.
- Tracey Berkowitz: It kind of looks sad.
- Lance: How does this crow look sad?
- Tracey Berkowitz: I don't know, it's just like, you know, it's not peeping or anything.
- Lance: Oh boohoo. Stupid crow doesn't have the fucking brains to fly south. I'm going to get him. Let's bring him in.
- Tracey Berkowitz: [suddenly frustrated] Fuck, no! Don't touch it! Now it's not going to be able to go back to its natural habitat!
- Lance: Oh, sure it will.
- Tracey Berkowitz: No, it won't! Everybody knows that! You put a fucking human smell on it, it's going to be a freak and the other crows are going to kill it!
- Lance: He's fine! Aren't you, big fella? See, he was just lonely out there. I like crow. Chicken of the tree.
- Tracey Berkowitz: Don't say that. Crows are like people.
- Lance: They're not like people. They have a very different psyche, as a matter of fact. They have a crow consciousness.