- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- New York Times [A.O. Scott]
- The Village Voice [Aaron Hillis]
- :Ikonen [Marcus Stiglegger]
- German
- Bitchin' Film [Blake Griffin]
- Bright Lights Film Journal [Erich Kuersten]
- Cine [Stavros Ganotis]
- Greek
- Common Sense Media [Will Wade]
- Craiger's Cinema Corner [Craig J. Koban]
- Critic [Rochus Wolff]
- German
- Delta Films [Roland Hansen]
- Dirty Laundry [Lukas Foerster]
- German
- DVD Talk [Ian Jane]
- Eternal Sunshine of the Logical Mind [Bob Turnbull]
- Evil ED
- German
- Exclaim! [Ashley Carter]
- Exclaim! [Joseph Belanger]
- Eye for Film [Caro Ness]
- Film Critics United [Christopher Armstead]
- Film Freak Central Review [Bill Chambers]
- Filmstarts [Ulf Lepelmeier]
- German
- Georgia Straight [Ken Eisner]
- Godfella's Filmblog [Bruno Pletinck]
- German
- Gürkan Kiliçaslan [Gürkan Kiliçaslan]
- Turkish
- Home Theater Info - DVD [Douglas MacLean]
- Hoopla [Mark Lavercombe]
- Houston Public Media [Regina Scruggs]
- IGN [James Musgrove]
- Kino
- German
- Life Between Frames [Jay Burleson]
- Metacritic [Leading Film Critics]
- MyFilm [Reinier Verhoef]
- New York Sun [Bruce Bennett]
- OutNow! - DVD
- German
- Reel Film Reviews [David Nusair]
- Rockport Film [Chris Smith]
- Slant Magazine [Nick Schager]
- Slobodna Dalmacija [Marko Njegic]
- Croatian
- still writing [Marc Saint-Cyr]
- taz [Christian Ihle, Horst Motor]
- German
- taz [Christian Ihle]
- German
- The Flickering Wall [Jorge Mourinha]
- The Onion A.V. Club [Noel Murray]
- The Playlist [Rodrigo Perez]
- W.L. Swarts's Universe [W.L. Swarts]
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