Frank Bonsangue credited as playing...
Phil Bell
- Phil Bell: So you're a friend of Ray's?
- Niko Bellic: A friend? No. I do some work for him.
- Phil Bell: No, I mean a friend.
- Niko Bellic: I don't understand. Whatever you say. He's a slimeball, but he pays...
- Phil Bell: Sure, pal, sure. Listen to me... the thing about Ray is he's a good earner. He talks a lot of shit, but he's a good earner, capiche?
- Niko Bellic: He's a rat, doing an impression of a man.
- Phil Bell: That's pretty good.
- Phil Bell: You scan this thing for bugs?
- Niko Bellic: No, but we can be pretty sure it's clean. Chill out.
- Phil Bell: Alright, alright. It's just that if we get caught on this one, you and me is going down for a long time. And that means that certain people is gonna assume we'll rat. Which means we'll get whacked.
- Niko Bellic: You're working with the wrong people if you expect 'em to whack you if you go inside. Where's the trust, Phil?
- Phil Bell: It's about survival. If someone who knew what I knew got flipped then the whole organization would go down. Whacking someone who catches some heavy time is just an insurance policy. And it don't help that not everyone in the organization is pulling in the same direction.
- Niko Bellic: You mean that someone in the family would see someone else going inside as an opportunity to get ahead?
- Phil Bell: You're a smart guy. Anyways, excuse me if I wanna be absolutely sure that we got out asses covered.
- Niko Bellic: You're excused. What're we doing?
- Phil Bell: We're taking a load of product off of some Russians the Ancelottis have been dealing with. You was helping those Irish idiots cause some beef between the Ancelottis and their Albanian muscle a while back. Since that little love affair ended, they've been getting this Russian guy to supply them with C. We just got the heads up that a shipment has arrived in Liberty City by boat.
- Niko Bellic: That's what the talk about the docks was?
- Phil Bell: Exactly. We're taking the C off the Russians so they can't deliver it to the Ancelottis.
- Niko Bellic: Sounds straightforward. We take the coke so that the Russians and the Ancelottis have a falling out. And we make some money in the process by selling the stuff. Easy.
- Phil Bell: Shit, you sound like you're saying all this just so it's clear on the wire tap. For the record I don't know what this man is talking about. We're rehearsing a scene for an acting class. I work in waste management. Everything we're saying is fiction, it has no bearing in the real world. Watch it Niko.