Nolan North credited as playing...
- Hank Pym: [dying, last words] See? I told... I told you I could be the man you always wanted me to be.
- Janet Pym: You are, Hank. You are.
- General Nick Fury: This one needs a clear head in the lead, Captain. You're carrying too much baggage. Widow, you'll be in command.
- Hank Pym: Demoted. I guess that makes him Private America, huh?
- Janet Pym: You know what, Hank: I'm done with this. I'm done massaging your ego, I'm done defending you to everyone, and I'm done supporting you.
- Hank Pym: Supporting me? You have been holding me back.
- Janet Pym: [Black Widow offers her a gun] Oh, don't tempt me.
- Hank Pym: I'm not going back to being a 2-inch superhero.