Although I missed the first five minutes or so of "Trouble in Tokyo" because I was out getting myself some dinner, I greatly loved it! Right from the beginning, when you see each of the Titans packing (It was especially funny to see the ways that Cyborg and Starfire packed), the movie kept me entertained all the way to the ending. I'll now list what I liked and disliked about it, starting with what I disliked (That way, I'll save the good stuff for last):
1. They could have done a good deal more with Raven. 2. The sudden twist at the film's climax (Don't worry, I'm not giving anything away) was, I thought, rather predictable. I could see it coming.
Now, the stuff that I did like:
1. Very, very funny! I especially liked Cyborg pigging out at that restaurant (Let's just say he looked like he'd make a good contestant on "Fear Factor"), Starfire at the arcade playing a game which looked like a bizarre combination of "Dance Dance Revolution," "Guitar Hero," and Whack- A- Mole, and of course, Beast Boy singing karaoke. I was kept laughing all throughout the film, which I'm sure was their intention. 2. Many of the fight scenes were very well- done, particularly the final one, which was really intense, and might even be too spooky for younger viewers. 3. Great character development for Robin and Starfire. 4. Very good voice acting, as usual. I'd have to salute Hynden Walch for her job as the voice of Starfire, as in this movie, she's able to display a vast range of emotions and does so in a very believable manner.
All in all, "Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo" was a great film, a great addition (And conclusion) to the series, and a definite must- have for my DVD collection, whenever it comes out.