The film playing in the theater near the end of the film is 'The Longest Yard.' The film ran with the sound off, and the cast and crew were only allotted the length of the film to complete the long scene. The darker shots are that way because they were shot during the end credits.
One snow globe was destroyed in the spoof of Citizen Kane. It was a Winnie the pooh snow globe that belonged to the professor whose office the scene was shot in. The snow globe was later replaced by the more relevant Orson Wells snow globe.
Whenever a sheet of paper was needed for a scene, a page from the script was used. This included Wade's fliers, Lou's manager booklets, and Summer's principles.
The Lou/Wade bathroom scene was entirely improvised on the day. A crew member used the bathroom and suggested shooting a scene there because it looked interesting.
The film playing in the projection room is a 16 mm copy of the original 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers.' It was given as a gift to director of photography, Chris Porto.