I knew that the Death Note story couldn't be told in a single movie and the Americans proved that several times over, the Japanese made it a two parter and though it's not on par with the anime it's still great viewing.
Following on the story from Light & L's first meeting the battle of the two great minds continues as they try to outdo one another until the fantastic finale.
Once again there are differences from the anime and the story isn't identical (Including the finale) but it's loyal enough to the original material to not be offensive.
Once again both Light and L actors knock their performances out of the park and make up for some shoddy cgi and questionable soundtrack.
I would recommend the Death Note movies to any Death Note fan, anyone who has only seen the US version and anyone who simply doesn't fancy anime.
Now venturing on to the live action spinoffs methinks.
The Good:
It's Death Note
Perfect casting
Extremely well written
The Bad:
They changed Rems entire gender!
Red Hot Chilli Peppers again!? Really!?
Ryuk/Rem sfx still crap
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
The Death note story can be just about accomplished across 4hrs with tweaks