Ten Inch Hero (2007) Poster


Elisabeth Harnois: Piper



  • Priestly : [Walks past Piper and jen, backtracks. To Piper]  Who are you?

    Piper : Piper.

    Priestly : Piper. What are you doing here, Piper?

    Piper : I work here.

    Priestly : Why wasn't I notified? I wasn't notified!

    Trucker : Hey, Priestly. We hired someone.

    Priestly : Thank you! I swear, we need like a bulletin board or a staff email or something!

    Jen : You know, Priestly. Piper thinks Elvis is dead.

    Priestly : [to Trucker]  Really? Now, you're hiring people who failed the interview?

  • Piper : So, before you leave, can I make you a sandwich? The roast turkey's really good here.

    Zo : Thank you, but I don't eat anything that had a mother.

    Piper : Oh, Okay. Um, egg salad, then?

    Zo : Well, eggs are really a chicken abortion, aren't they? I mean, I support a woman's right to choose, but I don't believe anyone asked the chickens beforehand.

    Priestly : Right on!

    Jen : Well, actually, since farmers don't keep roosters, the eggs aren't fertilized, so technically you're just eating a byproduct of the hen's menstrual cycle.

    Priestly : Well that, that's certainly appetizing, a hen-period salad, that's lovely.

    Zo : [smiling]  I think I'll just stick with a six inch tofurkey.

  • Jen : Alright, so we have chocolate, sleeping bags, food, personal items, chocolate, money, chocolate, and beer.

    Piper : Do you think you have enough chocolate?

    Jen : I'll add it.

  • Piper : You know, I didn't want to give up my baby. I was forced to. What would you do if Julia was taken away from you? Wouldn't you think about it every day for the rest of your life?

    Noah : Yeah, of course.

    Piper : Then why is it any different for me? I mean, why is my love for my child just a whim while yours is real? Of course, you have your child so you can afford to be judgmental. All I have is the ghost of two Julias. I loved them both, and I lost them both.

  • Jen : [about Fuzzy]  It's a no-brainer. We *have* to meet.

    Priestly : Right on!

    Piper : And what if he is a woman?

    Jen : We'll find a way to make it work.

    Priestly : Ooh, if that happens, can I watch?

    Tish : What is he's 14?

    Priestly : Ooh, if that happens, can I, uh

    [Holds a glass to his eye] 

    Priestly : videotape?

    Jen : He's driving himself to the meeting point, so he's gotta be at least 16, right? And that's not *that* much younger.

    Trucker : Convicted felon?

    Jen : Well, he's out noe, so it couldn't have been that bad.

    Mr. Julius : Paralyzed?

    Jen : If *he* can deal with that, I sure can.

    Lucille : Ugly as a rhino's ass?

    Jen : Looks are really the least of my worries. I mean, he's a great guy.

    Priestly : Well, what if he's got, like, crazy-ass hair and-and, and more artificial holes in his head than real ones?

    Jen : Well, I could never be that lucky.

    [Priestly smiles] 

  • Noah : Ok, so here's the deal; Julia and I took a vote and there's a definite opening in the family. Job is yours if you want it.

    Piper : Really?

    Noah : Yeah. Only one ground rule; nothing but honesty from now on.

    Piper : I swear.

    [Noah smiles. They start walking] 

    Piper : Noah?

    Noah : Yeah?

    Piper : That shirt's a really nasty color.

    Noah : Okay, not *that* honest!

    Piper : Hey, I'm just trying to get started somewhere!

  • Piper : [about Priestly]  He works here?

    Jen : Well, he's *employed* here.

  • Piper : [Comes in and starts doodling on the menu board unannounced. To Trucker]  I'm not normal.

    Piper : Clearly.

    Trucker : I need a job.

    Piper : [after a short stare-down]  It's yours.

  • Noah : That doesn't look like math to me.

    Julia : Done.

    Noah : Spelling?

    Julia : Done.

    Noah : Well, I have to check it.

    Piper : Done.

  • Noah : Poor Julia has to walk home with Bradley. And then she's forced to stay with him for 45 whole minutes, until I get there.

    Piper : You are a terrible father.

    Noah : I gotta give her something to tell the therapist in 10 years.

    Julia : Bradley picks his nose in class, and makes these fart noises in his arm pits.

    Noah : Testosterone poisoning, actually. He can't help it.

  • Trucker : ['Interviewing' Piper]  Okay, uh. Let me think... Elvis, dead or alive?

    Piper : Dead.

    Tish : Andy Kaufman?

    Piper : Dead.

    Trucker : Jerry Garcia?

    Piper : Grateful, and dead.

    Tish : Mariah Carey?

    Piper : Are we talking about her acting career?

    Tish : [Chuckles]  No.

    Piper : Okay, then alive.

    Lucille : Why'd you come to Santa Cruz?

    Piper : I have family here.

    Mr. Julius : Are you a virgin?

    [Everyone groans] 

    Trucker : Mr. Julius!

    Mr. Julius : Sorry, sorry.

    Piper : No... But I used to be.

    Tish : You're not a witch, by any chance?

    Piper : Is that a job requirement?

    Tish : Trucker's blazin' for the woman who owns the crystal store across the street. He thinks she's Wiccan.

    Jen : Yeah, they're soul mates, except she's not exactly aware of it yet.

    Trucker : Okay, everybody! Time to vote!

    [Everyone puts their hands up, including the customers] 

  • Piper : [about her online lover]  What happens when *it* wants to meet?

    Jen : Well, we've been emailing for almost a year, it hasn't come up.

    Piper : A year? Jen, what do you guys talk about if you don't talk about each other?

    Jen : Everything else. We talk about music and books, the war in Iraq. His dog, my cat.

  • Piper : [Showing Julia how to draw rocks]  Don't be afraid to be bold.

  • Priestly : [Jen's computer chimes]  Oh, look! fuzzzy_22, right on time!

    Jen : [Pushes Priestly]  Shut up!

    Priestly : Can't believe it, Jen. You've fallen for a cop.

    Tish : Why do you think he's a cop?

    Priestly : Uh, 'fuzz'? What else could it be?

    Tish : I'm thinking peach fuzz, since he's probably like, 12 or something.

    Priestly : Or maybe he's got a really hairy back.

    Tish : Ugh!

    Piper : Maybe he's a peach farmer in Georgia.

    Lucille : Oh, Jen, you don't wanna move to Georgia!

    Jen : I'm not moving anywhere.

    Tish : I bet the '22' means he's a gun freak.

    Piper : Could just be his age, you know.

    Tish : Or, it could be the number of years left until his parole hearing.

    Priestly : Yeah, or maybe the last 22 years have been really like, fuzzy for him.

    Jen : I like that one!

  • Tish : [about Jen's meeting fuzzzy]  Well, I'm coming with.

    Jen : Really?

    Piper : Me, too.

    Jen : You guys are the best!

    Priestly : Yep, count me in!

    Tish , Piper , Jen : Forget it.

    Trucker : Can we get to work now?

    Priestly : I'll, I'll drive.

    Piper : No.

    Priestly : I'll buy the beer.

    [Jen laughs at him] 

    Priestly : I never get to do anything fun.

  • Piper : [Zo has given them crushed petals to release into the wind for good luck]  If this turns out to be the ashes of Zo's first husband, I'm gonna freak.

  • Jen : [Masterbating for the first time. Offscreen]  Oh, my God! Oh, my god! Uh, oh, my God!

    Piper : Ladies and gentlemen, we have lift-off!

    Tish : Elvis has left the building!

  • Trucker : All right, angels, the Causemobile is ready to roll!

    Jen , Tish , Piper : Thanks, Charlie!

  • Julia : [erasing]  That sucky thing's not right.

    Piper : That "sucky" thing?

    Julia : That's what my dad calls it.

    Noah : [looking in]  What your dad calls what?

    Julia : This.

    Noah : What, the sucky thing?

    Piper : Otherwise known as a turkey baster.

    Noah : Well, yeah, if you want to use it's nickname. But everybody knows the real name is of course

    Julia , Noah : [in unison]  ... the sucky thing.

  • Tish : I don't know. I mean, you're cute and everything, but...

    Stud : But what? Come on, Tish!

    Tish : Well, it's just...

    Priestly : Here it comes.

    Tish : [Whispers]  I don't really like sex.

    Stud : What? How can you not like...

    Tish : I've never had a... you know...

    Stud : Whoa! Never?

    [Tish shakes her head] 

    Stud : Well, obviously you haven't been with the right guy.

    [Points to himself and mouths "Me"] 

    Tish : [laughs]  Okay.

    Piper : My God, does that really work?

    Jen : Every time.

    Priestly : Are you kidding me? It's a man's greatest challenge.

  • Priestly : [Tish walks in the morning after a romp]  Oh, look, she can still walk!

    Jen : All right, let's hear it. What were his grades?

    Tish : A for effort. C for execution.

    Jen : Natural gift?

    Tish : Didn't even register.

    Piper : That bad, huh?

    Tish : That bad, and... He knows it.

    Piper : Well, did you at least tell him that size doesn't matter?

    [Priestly nods] 

    Tish : Yeah, sure, I told him. You don't actually think guys believe that, do you?

    [Priestly cocks an eyebrow] 

  • Piper : [about her drawing of Julia]  You want it?

    Noah : No, not really.

    [Starts to walk away. Piper looks offended, but he comes back] 

    Noah : I'm kidding! I'm kidding, I'd love it, if you don't mind parting with it, of course.

  • Tish : No way.

    Jen : What?

    Tish : You're still the scarlet V.

    Jen : [Scoffs]  So? It's nothing to be ashamed of. Is it?

    Piper : No, it's not. If I had maintained, I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in now.

    Tish : Yeah, yeah. Listen, it's uh, it's not really different from when you do it yourself, it just takes a lot longer.

    [Jen makes a face] 

    Tish : Never?

    Jen : You guys, I'm a computer nerd daughter of a southern Baptist minister from Wichita! I'm the worst kind of late bloomer!

    Piper : You've never plucked your own banjo?

    Jen : Come on, it's not like you guys do it all the time, right?

    Piper : Yesterday morning.

    Tish : Two days ago.

    Lucille : Last night.

    [the girls look at her] 

    Lucille : Don't worry; I made Bam Bam go in the other room!

    Jen : Oh. And *I'm* the one worried about carpal tunnel.

    Tish : Yeah, it's not carpal. It's more in the fingers.

    [Piper laughs] 

  • Jen : [Tish and Piper are waiting in the hall while she masterbates for the first time]  Nothing's happening!

    Tish : Keep going!

    Jen : I don't know, you guys. Maybe mine's a dud.

    Tish , Piper : Keep going!

    Jen : Ow!

    Tish : What?

    Jen : It's very intense.

    Piper : Well, just slow it down a little bit.

    Tish : Or move it to the left.

  • Tish : Suppose it drives some beat up piece of shit held together by duct tape and dental floss?

    Jen : All you need is love.

    Tish : What if he has like, NRA and skinhead stickers all over it?

    Jen : We can work it out.

    Piper : It's Beatles Night at the Morro Bay Whaler, accepting Fab Four requests all night long!

    Tish : What if he's the fool in the hill? Or the nowhere man?

    Jen : Tish, let it be.

    Piper : Besides, everybody's got something to hide...

    Tish , Piper : 'Cept me and my monkey!

  • Piper : Maybe we should send Tish past him and see if he checks her out.

    Jen : If he doesn't check Tish out, he's either gay or dead.

  • Tish : All I saw tonight was just a guy looking for the girl of his dreams.

    Jen : A guy like that doesn't dream about a girl like me.

    Tish : Is this about how cute he was? I mean, I thought you'd be happy. Not to mention, you know, pretty damn relieved.

    Piper : Besides, you said that looks don't matter.

    Jen : Yeah, that was before I knew he was Brad fucking Pitt. There's no way a guy who looks like that is gonna want me.

    Tish : That's crazy.

    Jen : Is it? I mean, look at Tadd. When he came into the shop, he didn't exaclty bee-line to me, did he?

    Piper : Yeah, but Tadd is a superficial dickhead. Everybody knows that.

    [Tish looks at her] 

    Piper : Everyone except Tish. Sorry.

See also

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