- Lillian Cole: [Lillian takes a Donation Jar off her counter. It says: "DONATE TO CONSTRUCTION OF KC NO KILL CLINIC"] This is your father's project.
- Belle Lawlor: He's been promising that for years, like all of his promises... nothing ever comes from it.
- Lillian Cole: You don't understand.
- Belle Lawlor: You don't understand! You don't kill things because they're broken! You don't kill things because they're sick! Or dying! You don't kill things because it is easier! You give things a chance! You never know what'll happen! You just don't ever know!
- Hock Banyon: I thought she was raised more sensible
- Cody: Sensible? She's twelve! I know there are hard lessons in life but a kid doesn't have to learn them all at once. Especially not from her own Grandfather... or her father, for that matter.
- Lillian Cole: She makes perfect sense to me. All she sees, in all living things... is the potential. God, why would anyone want her to see it any other way.
- Basham: Had a vet here once. Swore, "he'd rather be chewed on by a lion, than kicked by a horse". A lion might make you bleed, and maybe he could fix that. One kick from a horse and your crossing Jordon on a jet ski.
- Poovey: Some say cats have nine lives. Ol' Linus here has used up about 12. Ran over him twice myself. Something in that maybe. Like never counting yourself out.