Macaulay Culkin credited as playing...
- James: It didn't start out this way. We used to... talk, like really talk, all the time about things that mattered to us. I was understanding and she was understanding and it was... it was fucking great. And I know we can get there again, I just never been in a relationship like that before. It just felt so good, you know? Just after a while, all this... all the shit gets built up and it just gets in the way. We... we can't get through it. It's like this big wall of shit. And, you know, we... we try to be straight up with each other, or... or easy going, but every little thing we do just gets caught.
- Sarah: In the shit.
- James: Yeah. We're caught in shit.
- Sarah: Well, if you figure out how to get rid of it, let me know.
- [Would he still love her...]
- Heather: What if there was a pencil permanently sticking out of my eye?
- James: Yeah, sure.
- Heather: And when you got close to me, it sprayed eyeball juice all over you.
- James: Well, could you learn to, like, aim it and use it as a weapon on our enemies? 'Cause if you'd do that, I would be interested.
- Heather: Yeah, I could do that.