Sarah Douglas credited as playing...
- Lex Luthor: What am I gonna do with you people, huh? I mean, I held up my end, I delivered the blue boy. What do I get from my triple threat? "Bow! Yield! Kneel!" That kind of stuff closes out a town.
- General Zod: Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?
- Lex Luthor: Kill me? Lex Luthor? Extinguish the greatest criminal flame of our age? Eradicate the only man on Earth with...
- Ursa: Let me kill him.
- Lex Luthor: ...Superman's address?
- General Zod: What more do you want? I can see the greed written on your face.
- Lex Luthor: A small incentive, oh fullest one. A mere bauble to jog the memory.
- General Zod: What more?
- Lex Luthor: Cuba.
- [Non growls]
- [the Kryptonians stand at the White House, bored. Lex Luthor manages to weasel his way in, waving a handkerchief as though it's a white flag]
- Lex Luthor: Lex Luthor.
- [beat]
- Lex Luthor: *Lex* Luthor? Maybe you've heard of me? The greatest criminal mind on Earth?
- Ursa: [to Zod] I told you this was a puny planet.
- [Ursa and Non approach Luthor with menace]
- Lex Luthor: Wait. Wait! Wait until you get to know me better. I can, uh -- I can give you -- anything you want! The unlimited freedom to maim, kill, destroy! Plus -- Lex Luthor's savvy, Lex Luthor's school of bett...
- [Luthor's hand gets crushed by Ursa]
- General Zod: We have all of this without you. You cannot bargain with what you do not have.
- Lex Luthor: With respect, Your Magnificence, what am I bargaining with is what you do not have: the son of Jor-El.
- [All three are stunned]
- General Zod: The son of Jor-El?
- Lex Luthor: [to Ursa] I did say that, didn't I?
- General Zod: Jor-El, our jailor?
- Lex Luthor: No, Jor-El, the baseball player.
- [menaced again by Ursa and Non]
- Lex Luthor: Yes! Jor-El, your jailor!
- General Zod: His son is on this planet?
- Lex Luthor: Perhaps you're more familiar with his nom de voyage or name he travels under: Superman.
- General Zod: So... this is Superman.
- [to Luthor]
- General Zod: How do you know of Jor-El?
- Lex Luthor: As I told Your Fullness earlier...
- [smiles]
- Lex Luthor: I'm about the best there is.
- General Zod: [standing up] Revenge! We will kill the son of our jailor!
- Ursa: Revenge!
- Lex Luthor: [gleeful] Revenge! Now we're cooking, huh?
- General Zod: He flies then?
- Lex Luthor: Constantly.
- General Zod: He has powers as we do?
- Lex Luthor: Sure, but he's just one. Whereas you are three...
- [Non growls]
- Lex Luthor: Or four if you count him twice!
- General Zod: We will bring him to his knees!
- [the Kryptonians exit]
- Lex Luthor: Wait! Wait! First you must find him and Lex Baby is the only one who knows where he is.
- [Hating to have to tolerate him any more, Zod stares back at Luthor]
- General Zod: What... do you want?
- [Luthor strides over to the President's desk and kicks his feet up while lighting a cigar]
- Lex Luthor: Well, General... the world is a big place. Thank goodness my needs are small. I have a certain weakness for... beachfront property.
- General Zod: What do you want?
- Lex Luthor: [does the famous Nixon victory pose] Australia!