It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (TV Series)
The Gang Runs for Office (2006)
Kaitlin Olson: Dee Reynolds
Frank Reynolds : There's nothing more threatening to a man than a woman who's smart and attractive; we have to pretend you're both!
Sweet Dee : Wow, you're a horrible father.
Dee Reynolds : [discussing high taxes] Why don't you try voting for once?
Mac : And what? Vote for the democrat who's going to blast me in the ass? Or the republican who's going to blast my ass? Either way, politics is all one big ass blasting.
Frank Reynolds : A woman in politics is like a donkey doing calculus.
Dee Reynolds : There are plenty of good women politicians.
Frank Reynolds : Name one.
Dee Reynolds : Um, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Frank Reynolds : Awful!
Dee Reynolds : How is she awful?
Frank Reynolds : Hates freedom.
[Charlie and Frank are looking at Garbage Pail Kids cards]
Sweet Dee : Are those the stupid cards where babies are doing disgusting things?
Charlie Kelly : No, Dee. These are those amazing cards where babies are doing hysterical things.