The card trick performed by Rachel Weisz took her a month to learn, practicing every day. The shot itself took eleven takes.
Rachel Weisz learned how to play piano, violin, accordion, banjo, ping pong, do karate, ride a unicycle, juggle, and even skateboard for her role as Penelope.
Writer and Director Rian Johnson originally had Mark Ruffalo in mind to play the part that Adrien Brody eventually played. It was the two actors themselves that suggested swapping.
Penelope's quote, "A picture is a secret about a secret. The more it tells, the less you know" is actually a quote by acclaimed American photographer Diane Arbus (1923-1971). The biographical film Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006), featured Nicole Kidman as Arbus, one of the twentieth century's most revered photographers. Incidentally, "arbus" is Russian for "watermelon", which might explain why one gets turned into a camera by the Penelope character.