- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- San Francisco Chronicle [Peter Hartlaub]
- Screen It! (spoilers)
- FlickFilosopher.com [MaryAnn Johanson]
- A Keeper of The Crimson Quill (Rivers of Grue)
- A Nutshell Review
- A Regrettable Moment of Sincerity
- Abandomoviez.net [abandomovieros]
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- B and S About Movies [Sam Panico]
- BasementRejects.com [JPRoscoe]
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- Bitchin' Film Reviews [Blake Griffin]
- Blood Brothers [Matt Reifschneider]
- Bloodtype Online [Ed Demko]
- Blu-ray.com [Kenneth Brown]
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- Boston Globe [Wesley Morris]
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- CanalTCM.com [Sergi Sánchez]
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- Channel 4 Film [Ali Catterall]
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- CinematicAddiction.com [Jonathan S]
- Cinepassion.org [Fernando F. Croce]
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