Generally speaking Swedish films reflect a mentality of narrow minded social realism...
Gangster on the other hand is a dark fairy tale. A fevered dream.
I was Spellbound by Photography so lush I forgot the drab reality waiting just outside the theater.
Its a no holds barred cinematic joy ride. Guns. Cars. Intrig. Chase. Seduction. Sexy chicks. Sexy men. High concept with a dash of pagan symbolism.
Great music. Stunning photography.
Everything an entertaining movie should have, even the bold choice of its eclectic art direction and the soulful soundtrack added to the exotic flavor of this film.
Gangster is a breath of fresh air in a mausoleum of cultural cadavers.
At 127min running time it seemed much shorter because of the directors command of the material. It was a sensual dance of rhythmic images that altered the experience of time, also thanks to imaginative editing.
The down side? - Having been made in Swedish = Its at the mercy of a provincial group of critics suffering from small town syndrome ... ( Swedish critics are world renowned for their plagaristic ways lacking in any original capacity to judge for themselves ... Simply put = Gangster is over their heads )
Had it been made in English with the same sensibility Gangster would have been a smash hit. Never the less I think at the end of the day it will do extremely well. Either way I hope there will be an English remake...
There is an old saying about throwing pearls to swine...The time may be ripe for these very talented filmmakers to move on to bigger and better things...
I highly recommend this film to anyone with an Open Mind, a sense of Adventure, and a Romantic Spirit...BRAVO GANGSTER!