In the eighth installment of RKO's "The Blondes and the Redheads" series, wrestler Tom Kennedy comes to visit sweetie Dorothy Granger at the dancing academy before heading off to his big match. On leaving, he crashes his car into millionaire Grady Sutton's limo and is hauled off to jail, vowing vengeance. Sutton and his chauffeur go to the academy and take Dorothy and Carol Tevis to a night club. Guess who shows up?
This series, which had started out as a much bluer version of Roach's GIRL FRIENDS series, was fast losing its zip under the strictures of the Production Code, although there are a couple of jokes that wouldn't pass muster a few years after. There's decent comic timing under the direction of Sam White, but none of the snap that the earlier episodes under George Stevens had shown. Still, there are several reliable film comics in small bits, including Jack Rice and Billy Franey, not to mention Tom Kennedy, who had once been a boxer until he had gotten into the movies as a comic, specializing in big, dumb fighters.