Embarrassingly amateurish, despite good actors cast in the film. Therefore, I "watched" while working at the computer since it's a decent enough family holiday film. A pleasure to see Polly Bergen again. She is a class act and enhances any film in which she is featured. Alicia Silverstone is a decent actor, but not that great in this role. Her dramatic range isn't all that great. She's more of a comedic actor. She kept smiling too much, especially in scenes that didn't call for it. Annabeth Gish was quite good (would have been a better choice for the lead), as was Eion Bailey but their dialog, along with the rest of the dialog in the movie, was very poorly written and scene transitions were embarrassingly hokey. I did like Alicia's scenes at the end with her young son. Thoughtfully written, and probably the only truly decent dialog in the movie.
The location shots were beautiful, filmed in Nova Scotia. Definitely worth noting is the young actor, Matthew Knight, who was one of the best actors in the film, esp. his solo scene at the very end of the movie. He's going places.