Brad Bartram credited as playing...
Archibald Weisenheimer
- Archibald Weisenheimer: Can you hear me, my dear Silas? I'll bet you can't. WELL, HEAR THIS! I wouldn't bet too much on little Muffin Baker! Something tells me she's not going to inherit a dime!
- Tabitha the Ghost: You're rotten to the core, Archie, but I still may be able to foil your evil plans, in the meantime.
- Archibald Weisenheimer: Nice try, Silas, but I don't believe in ghosts!
- Tabitha the Ghost: Neither did Scrooge. See you later, Archie!
- Archibald Weisenheimer: Just you try that again, Silas, and I'll mix you into the kitty litter box! You don't believe me? Just you try it!
- Archibald Weisenheimer: Hmm. Indeed. Very interesting.
- Muffin Baker: What's it say?
- Archibald Weisenheimer: It says... well, let me cut to the chase. In a word, Silas has turned this solemn occasion into a treasure hunt of sorts.
- Evilyn: Excuse me?
- Archibald Weisenheimer: Yes; Silas has hidden a key, somewhere in the estate, that opens a... small treasure box, also hidden somewhere on the estate, which contains within it the deeds to his properties and his big book.
- Marsh: What does it all mean?
- Archibald Weisenheimer: Finders keepers, my dear Marsh. I suggest we all pool our resources and work together. That way, should we find any treasure, we can divide the estate evenly.
- Muffin Baker: I'll think about it and I'll let you know. I don't like people trying to kill me, Mr. Weisenheimer!
- Archibald Weisenheimer: Wait.
- Evilyn: What now, Daddy dearest?
- Archibald Weisenheimer: There's something I didn't tell the others. There's a mention of Muffin in this will. It seems she used to play in this house as a child. And something about that period of time plays into all of this, but I haven't quite figured out yet what it is.
- Evilyn: Well, we'll have to watch her... carefully.
- Tabitha the Ghost: Oh, yeah? Well, I know something you don't know, and I'm not gonna tell you what it is.