Trick 'r Treat: The Lore and Legends of Halloween (Video 2009)
Scenes shown"Veronique Von Venom: Horror Hostess Hottie" Girl Talk (TV Episode 2012)
Review of the 15 inch Sam doll from the film"Cinemassacre's Monster Madness" Trick 'r Treat (TV Episode 2014)
movie is reviewed"WatchMojo" Top 10 Horror Movies: 2000s (TV Episode 2015)
Trick 'r Treat gets an honorable mention."WatchMojo" Top 10 Straight-to-Video Movies (TV Episode 2015)
Trick 'r Treat is #3.
House on Haunted Hill (1959)
Seen on television as Mr. Kreeg changes channels.Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (Video 1998)
Seen on television as Mr. Kreeg changes channels.
Trick 'r Treat: The Lore and Legends of Halloween (Video 2009)
Documentary about the making of the movie"Familiar Faces" Familiar Faces #19: Gum Disease Chicken (TV Episode 2010)
Movie is mentioned."Midnight Movie Review" Mr. Horror vs. The Midnight Movie Reviewer (TV Episode 2010)
as a part of the last year programmePopularity Killer (Short 2011)
Movie poster is seen in background as Melissa is getting ready.Trick 'r Treat: Father's Day (Video 2012)
Promo for the Trick 'r Treat 24 hour marathon on FearNet
- One of the girls dresses up as Snow White.
Song of the South (1946)
A man says "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah".Cinderella (1950)
One of the girls dresses up as Cinderella.It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (TV Movie 1966)
A man tells his son to go back inside and watch Charlie Brown on Halloween.Trilogy of Terror (TV Movie 1975)
A character terrorized by a small knife wielding demon.
Season's Greetings (Short 1996)
The character of Sam debuted in the short.
"30-Second Bunny Theatre" Trick R Treat (TV Episode 2011)
Short animated Re-enactment/Parody of this film with bunnies