Wherever Cerina Strickland and her sister Tabitha go, emotional devastation is sure to follow in their wake. Shielding them from the darker consequences of their fickle and self-centered relationships, Stuart Clemons has been their best, and only, friend since childhood. But when Cerina, jealous for his undivided attention, tries to sabotage his burgeoning relationship with Bridgett, a whimsical divorcee she ironically fixed him up with, the girls' friendship with Stuart becomes strained to the breaking point. It couldn't come at a worse time, as Cerina contends with the unexpected and unwanted neediness of the community college professor she seduced for a B+ and Tabitha struggles to rebuff the advances of her psychotic ex-cop boyfriend while dealing with her emerging feelings for Stuart's crap-talking bartender friend, Wogbe. The girls must grow up and learn to handle their own problems or risk permanently fracturing their friendship with Stuart.
—Jared Tweedie