Charlotte Gainsbourg credited as playing...
- She: Oak trees grow to be hundreds of years old. They only have to produce one single tree every hundred years in order to propagate. May sound banal to you but it was a big thing for me to realize that when I was up here with Nic. The acorns fell on the roof vent. They kept falling and falling. And die and die. And I understood that everything that used to be beautiful about Eden was perhaps hideous. Now I could hear what I couldn't hear before. The cry of all the things that are to die.
- He: What I understood, was that you wanted to write alone. So you could finish your thesis.
- She: But I didn't.
- He: You didn't.
- She: You see? You didn't even know that.
- He: Why did you give up? That's not like you.
- She: The whole project just seemed less important, up there. As you said, when I talked to you about my subject: 'glib.'
- He: I never called your subject glib.
- She: Perhaps you didn't use that word, but that's what you meant. And, all of a sudden, it was glib. Or, even worse, some kind of lie.
- He: I see.
- She: No, you don't see. You see a lot of things, but not that.
- He: I'm not gonna continue this if you don't listen to me. Good and evil - they have nothing to do with therapy. You know how many innocent women were killed... in the 16th century alone just far being women? I'm sure you do - many. And not because they were evil.
- She: I know. It's just sometimes I forget.
- He: The evil you talk about is an obsession. Obsessions never materialize. It's a scientific fact. Anxieties cran't trick you into doing things you wouldn't do otherwise. It's like hypnotism. You can't be hypnotized into doing siomething... you woudn't normally do... something against your nature. Do you understand me?
- She: Yeah, I think so.
- He: You think so. Well, you don't have to undenstamd me. Just trust me.