Hilary Duff credited as playing...
Yonica Babyyeah
- Yonica Babyyeah: [lyrics in credits] Boom boom boom, Bang bang bang, There's a war going on in this heart of mine, They're sneaking up from behind, To try to get into my heart and mind.
- [explosion]
- Yonica Babyyeah: You say you want to invade me baby, You say you want to enslave me baby, I want to blow you, blow you... up, You say you want to free me baby, You cannot even see me baby, I want to blow you up. You want to occupy my heart and soul, A black widow in a spider hole.
- Yonica Babyyeah: Do you want massage with happy ending?
- Brand Hauser: Does your father know that you talk this way?
- Brand Hauser: That was beautiful. Have you recorded it yet?
- Yonica Babyyeah: Fat fucking chance.
- Brand Hauser: Well, you should. I feel like I'm seeing you for the first time.
- Yonica Babyyeah: You've seen my ass, and you're not liking it.
- Brand Hauser: Why do you do that?
- Yonica Babyyeah: Do what?
- Brand Hauser: Talk as if you've got no soul.
- Yonica Babyyeah: Nobody cares for my beautiful soul. They care for my ass.
- Brand Hauser: Please, you sound like a tramp.
- Yonica Babyyeah: Bitches rule. Yonica rules. Virgins are good for getting fucked. Right? That is what I'm good for. Right? That's what everybody knows. Hmm?
- Brand Hauser: You know what I think? I think the girl who wrote that song is a poet. I thought that song was really great.
- Yonica Babyyeah: I'm not from this world. I have special powers. I can see inside people's brains.
- Brand Hauser: There is a reason why I do this work: I don't have to feel anything.
- Yonica Babyyeah: That's so fucked up.
- Yonica Babyyeah: Sometimes I think it's better not to feel. Just skip it.
- Brand Hauser: How long can you live that way? The poison just holds. It's like a slow motion suicide.
- Brand Hauser: You wake up one day and wonder if you have the courage to walk away, to say "No, I won't do that. I'm not that person. I'm not that thing."