I personally know Romance from Vh1 (Ricky). And He was the realest guy on the show, I know who's fake, He told me and I'm not saying because I was told in trust, but all I know is, Someone wasn't Lying, thats all. Take it form there. I kind of lost all respect for NY for the way she dissed my boy, but its cool. Its TV, he most likely deserves better than her anyways. Basically if you like honest people being treated like pieces of dirt, watch I love Ny, but if you don't, then don't do it, she is very cruel, I used to like her b4 the show, but she made Ricky look crazy, and he isn't, hes normal just like me and you, that is, whatever your opinion on normal is, yea he is sensitive, but they only captured that in the show. 12 pack your a fraud man, when you go home to your girl, I hope your happy.