Corey Burton credited as playing...
Volteer • Exhumor
- Cyril: Yes, yes, Volteer. I see that months of tortured captivity has down nothing to slow that electric tongue of yours from incessantly wagging.
- Volteer: It's just that it's all so exciting, exhilarating, enchanting, enthralling...
- Sparx: All right, no more thesaurus for you, pal.
- Ignitus: All of you PLEASE be quiet!
- Volteer: It borders on the miraculous, incredible, stupendous... a dragon your size defeating that... that... thing. Thank you... ah... ah... ah...
- Spyro: Spyro.
- Volteer: A purple dragon named Spyro. Amazing. Of course, there were unsubstantiated rumours of a purple dragon countless generations ago, but most considered it heresay, gossip, legend. It's hard to believe, difficult to fathom, amazing to comprehend... er... um...
- Sparx: [whispering to Spyro] No wonder they gagged this guy.
- Ignitus: Feeling better, Spyro?
- Spyro: No really, Ignitus. That battle drained every last bit of my strength. I can hardly lift my head.
- Ignitus: Yes, it will take some time for your powers to return. But they will in time, young dragon. They will in time. Cynder, ever since I failed the night of the raid, I've dreamt of this day.
- Volteer: It wasn't just you, Ignitus. We all failed.
- Ignitus: Be that as it may... we're together again now... thanks to Spyro. Well done, young dragon.
- Spyro: Thanks, Ignitus, but we still don't know what's happened to the Dark Master...
- Terrador: No matter, Spyro. There will be time to talk of the Dark Master later. Now it's time to be grateful for your success.
- Sparx: His success? What about me? Just because a bunch of weird stuff doesn't fly out of my mouth, doesn't mean I didn't help, ya know!
- Spyro: Yeah, you were a big help, Sparx. No doubt about it. But... just for the record... a lot of weird stuff does come out of that little mouth of yours.
- Sparx: And what the heck is that supposed to mean? You know, I don't need this. I could have stayed with the... Llama people, whatever, where I was appreciated, but no! No. I decided to help the poor helpless dragons rid the world of evil. What a mistake that was becaue I get no thanks, no respect, no love, no credit...
- Ignitus: My goodness... and I thought Volteer talked a lot.
- Sparx: I left home too, you know. I'm a little guy. yeah, that's right. Maybe you haven't noticed, but things are a lot bigger to me than they are to you. And did I back away? Uh-ah! Nah, nah, nah! Why? Because I've got moxy, I'm a tough cookie, I've got class... I got a fro...
- [cough]
- Sparx: I got a little frog in my throat... As I was saying, on Tall Plains they knew a good thing when they saw it, they recognized the value of a quality dragonfly like me... but here I get nothing... not even a thanks, hey, how are you doing, good, let me buy you a drink. I should go back to the swamp... Mom'll make it all good... Mommy always does...