I don't see a "minus 10" vote up there, so I had to give it a 1. (what a shame)My 10 year old nephew is so much more capable of acting. During the movie I was literally laughing at just how bad and stupid a movie could get! I always wondered what some people meant hen they said horror movies made them laugh. Thanks for this piece of garbage. If anything it gave me a chance to experience it for myself! The two girls were acting like the dumbest people I'd ever seen. If the two survivors were the dumbest, then the three boys who got killed would be the most brain dead characters in the history of cinema. Was that really a killer or a scare crow that couldn't even raise his hand and stab somebody? He just stood there like a piece of dead meat and did nothing. Nothing at all! This is the dumbest killer I've ever seen portrayed in a movie. Let's all hope all killers are just as dumb in the real world! The movie looked as if it's been made by a home video camera. This so called "movie" looked home-made! I can't believe IMDb would even consider putting this here up for vote! Peopkle who say there are worst movies out there need to think twice before saying such a thing, because obviously this is the worst movie ever made, so no there are no films worse that this out there and I hope there never will be!