Jonathan Rhys Meyers credited as playing...
George Hogg
- George Hogg: [say something in Chinese]
- Chen Hansheng: [impressed] Very good!
- George Hogg: Did you understand it?
- Chen Hansheng: Yes, you said, please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a pumpkin.
- Lee Pearson: [while demonstrating to the boys how to apply flea powder] Take off your clothes.
- George Hogg: [taken aback] What?
- George Hogg: Why doesn't the school just send these boys back to their families?
- Lee Pearson: this isn't a school
- George Hogg: it looks like one
- Lee Pearson: it's a orphanage
- [first lines]
- George Hogg: Shoot some hoops?
- Andy Fisher: No thanks. I have to save my strength, I'm getting married on Tuesday.
- George Hogg: [lying in his death bed] I've been so lucky...
- Lee Pearson: Shh, you just need rest, the medicine is on the way.
- Roger Appsley: The papers say we're both from the states, so try and talk American for my sake.
- George Hogg: [Getting out of the truck] Of course, old chap.
- George Hogg: [Muttering in his sleep] Shoot him! Sh-shoot him!
- [wakes up]
- Lee Pearson: We're awake I see
- [Jack comes in]
- Lee Pearson: You might want to thank him for saving your life.
- George Hogg: [Thinking she meant him] Th-thank you.
- Chen Hansheng: She meant me.
- George Hogg: HELLO? Who's in charge here?
- [Shi Kai appears]
- George Hogg: [George hold out a letter] This is for the person in charge.
- [Shi Kai grabs it and opens it]
- George Hogg: No! I said this is for the person in charge!
- Shi-Kai: I'm in charge here!
- George Hogg: How is it you speak English?
- Shi-Kai: I am not a peasant like the rest of them, my father is a government official!