1 review
The version of the game I played was made for the Sega CD and it had audio problems and had that pixel effect that nearly all Sega CD games that used movie footage had. So I am guessing the Saturn version was a lot cleaner and easier to hear so the reason the score for the game is so high is because the Saturn is the media most used to play this game. I played it on the Sega CD and while it was okay, it was also rather disappointing at the same time. It had nice music, it had an interesting premise, but it was really short and there really was not much of a threat for your character during the game. I won this one during my younger days and I am kind of surprised I did as there was no internet back in the days to read up on a game as cryptic as this one was.
The story has a brother and sister walking through the woods at night. They come across a butterfly and the sister foolishly follows it and ends up at a strange mansion. The girl disappears in the mansion so it is up to the brother that you will never see during the game to make his way through each room of the mansion in an effort to find his sister and getting them both out of the mansion before they end up as permanent residents there.
The game has very simple controls as you mainly use the directional button to navigate the somewhat large mansion. Honestly, it is not all that big of a place. You can find a few keys and other items, but the interactivity is very low in this game. It is sort of like Shadowgate for the NES, but with less to do.
This game is typical of a Sega CD game as it relies on the fact it has some video footage and voice overs to try to dupe you into thinking the game is better than it is. However, as with most games of this type, you have little to no control over things. You get your sister at one point and are talked to by this character called the hunter as your character jumps from pedestal to pedestal without you doing anything. Still, it had enough interesting elements to make it somewhat fun to play through, just not a game I can see playing a whole lot as once you know what to do, the game is a cinch to win again.
The story has a brother and sister walking through the woods at night. They come across a butterfly and the sister foolishly follows it and ends up at a strange mansion. The girl disappears in the mansion so it is up to the brother that you will never see during the game to make his way through each room of the mansion in an effort to find his sister and getting them both out of the mansion before they end up as permanent residents there.
The game has very simple controls as you mainly use the directional button to navigate the somewhat large mansion. Honestly, it is not all that big of a place. You can find a few keys and other items, but the interactivity is very low in this game. It is sort of like Shadowgate for the NES, but with less to do.
This game is typical of a Sega CD game as it relies on the fact it has some video footage and voice overs to try to dupe you into thinking the game is better than it is. However, as with most games of this type, you have little to no control over things. You get your sister at one point and are talked to by this character called the hunter as your character jumps from pedestal to pedestal without you doing anything. Still, it had enough interesting elements to make it somewhat fun to play through, just not a game I can see playing a whole lot as once you know what to do, the game is a cinch to win again.