Several years after the events described in Shining Force II, an orphan named Mars begins his work as a guard in the Odegon castle. One night, a strange fog descends upon the land, and Mars ... Read allSeveral years after the events described in Shining Force II, an orphan named Mars begins his work as a guard in the Odegon castle. One night, a strange fog descends upon the land, and Mars witnesses a mysterious elf entering the Ancient Shrine. Through a series of events and lie... Read allSeveral years after the events described in Shining Force II, an orphan named Mars begins his work as a guard in the Odegon castle. One night, a strange fog descends upon the land, and Mars witnesses a mysterious elf entering the Ancient Shrine. Through a series of events and lies on his part, Mars becomes the elite guard of the princess, and soon has to redeem himsel... Read all