Faycal Attougui credited as playing...
Al Rawi Bodyguard
- [first lines]
- Al Rawi Bodyguard: [air raid sirens] Leave that! Space is limited!
- Al Rawi Bodyguard: [explosions beginning] Hurry up! Hurry! We must leave now!
- Al Rawi Bodyguard: [chaos in the hallways] Downstairs everyone!
- Al Rawi Bodyguard: General...
- General Al Rawi: [no response]
- Al Rawi Bodyguard: General Al Rawi, sir. We must leave now.
- Al Rawi Bodyguard: Ayad, get in the car. I'm right behind you.
- [leaving the building]
- Al Rawi Bodyguard: Seyyed, send the men to the safe houses.
- General Al Rawi: Tell them to wait for my car.
- Al Rawi Bodyguard: Yes, General.
- [all drive off amid fire balls]