The first thing that we noticed as the movie began is the "cheap" look. The film seems to have been shot with low cost video equipment of the type used for daytime soap operas. The lighting sophistication was similar to that of soap operas. Camera angles were not subtle.
Choreography was crude. Acting was very weak.
However, half way through the movie there was a short, very technically effective, soft-porn sequence (bare breasts; no genitalia) Our suspicion was that the movie may have been made by a team that otherwise earns its living making soft porno movies - that is a porno movie team hoping to move upscale to something more "artistic"
Note that other than this little sequence in the middle of the movie, the rest of the movie is almost family entertainment - lots of hand-to-hand fighting and little else. Nothing awfully terrifying. No other nudity at all.
The net result was that our college age boys, roared with laughter through the entire movie. Their otherwise extremely open-minded, fun-loving, not-a-bit-prudish, Japanese mother was so disgusted that she went to sleep.