Fans of the "rape/revenge" genre will likely seek out this obscure 70's film, based on a trailer that makes it look quite promising. They will be disappointed. This is an ugly, rather boring production, filled with pointlessly drawn out exposition, ridiculous fight scenes that are uninspired and utterly silly, and ugly cinematography. Tyrone's girl is raped, and then stabbed to death by a gang of stupid, ridiculously dressed hippies. After this, the viewer is treated to a drawn out scene of the longhairs, sitting around a crappy apartment, smoking weed, and making silly faces as the camera gets tight, claustrophobic shots of their faces. Tyrone then goes on a spree, hunting down, and killing the scum who did him and his girl wrong. End of story. There is NOTHING new here, and this movie is SO bad that it seems like the makers of this clunker were TRYING to make a bad movie. Even those looking for some cheap thrills, will be sorely disappointed, as the sex and violence is kept to a bare minimum. There is a movie called "The Guy From Harlem," that is always referred to as the typical bad movie of this genre, but in fact, that blaxploitation flick is much better than "The Obsessed One," in the sense that it is at least, a "fun movie," to sit back and enjoy with friends. "The Obsessed One" is not fun, or enjoyable, on any level; depressing, boring, and forgettable. The fact that this received a BluRay release, is a complete mystery, especially considering all the good exploit stuff that hasn't gotten the restoration treatment, like the Jim Kelly movies, which have a huge cult following. To date, there is STILL no way to see "The Black Dragon" in it's uncut form. I recommend to all that have a burning curiosity to see this movie, to watch it online before you buy it. I'm betting you will be glad you saved yourself some cash.