- Prologue Narrator: Galaxy upon galaxy, vast, unexplored realms of space. It is a wild, untamed universe we live in. There is much danger here and therefore much need for armies, generals and soldiers. But along with those who wage war, there is also much need for those who explore new worlds and make possible the exchange of knowledge and goods who bring civilization. These are the merchants and scholars and I, Mungo Baobab, am proud to count myself among them.
- Prologue Narrator: And so, to the story of my quest for the Roonstones. Not just precious gems, but powerful crystals capable of storing vast amounts of information. The source of these stones has long been a mystery, and the search for this source has long been a passion of the Baobab Merchant Fleet. Like my father, uncle and grandfather before me, I embrace this quest. A quest, I might add, in which I am ably assisted by C-3PO and R2-D2, my faithful droids.