Toni Collette credited as playing...
- Peggy Robertson: MGM wants you to do the Ian Fleming book "Casino Royale" with Cary Grant. Definitely your style.
- Alfred Hitchcock: Doesn't she know I just made that movie? It was called "North by Northwest". And "style", my dear, is mere self-plagiarism.
- George Tomasini: [in film cutting room] Well, what do you think?
- Peggy Robertson: I think I'll never have a shower again.
- Alfred Hitchcock: I'm treading water, Peggy. I need something fresh, something different. Without expensive stars to pretty it up.
- Peggy Robertson: Fox is offering you The Diary of Anne Frank for the third time.
- Peggy Robertson: The audience would spend the entire picture waiting for Miss Frank to discover the corpse I'd hidden in the attic. Wouldn't you agree, Nunzio?
- Nunzio: Si.
- Alfred Hitchcock: Nice, clean, nasty little piece of work. That's what I'm looking for.
- Peggy Robertson: I shall see what I can find.
- Peggy Robertson: Are you sure about this? It's just so unlike you.
- Alfred Hitchcock: That is exactly the point, my dear.
- Alfred Hitchcock: Stop following me around like a puppy dog and get me a drink.
- Peggy Robertson: It's not even three!
- Alfred Hitchcock: Then give me the key to the cabinet.