Okay, I'm not sure. This is actually the first anime I've ever watched. But, if you're just beginning to watch anime I can assure you this will definitively get you into everything about the anime experience!
Compared to American movies, especially those by Disney, Pixar, and the likes, it has a storyline like no other. The storywriting is amazing and everything from the uniqueness of- well, I wish I could tell you! But you just have to watch it yourself!
If you get attached to characters, especially when playing games or watching movies, then this TV show is for you. Connecting with the characters you can easily feel what they feel, and it will leave you wanting more. Attaching yourself to multiple characters, seeing from their eyes and their point of views, it changes everything and makes it so much more important to you. Please, I cannot recommend it enough. Especially if you're just experimenting with anime. Don't care if others call you "Weebs" or "Anime Lovers". They just won't, and don't, understand, until they watch it.
And yes, I may be a first time anime watcher, so this review might not be en point to any other anime, but being a first time watcher that means I can definitely give you the point of view from a beginner, and that's what's most important to getting more people into watching it, no?
10/10, absolutely amazing. I will be watching this again.