This time, the narrative centers on a gang of renegade ninjas who choose to bring back to life a demonic spirit that, if it were to reconnect with its body, would destroy the entire planet. Team 7 (Naruto, Sakura, Rock Lee, and Neji) is tasked with protecting Shion, the shrine maiden, as there is only one way to stop this from happening: for her to go and reseal the demon. This Naruto movie follows the same pattern as all the others, with them needing to defend a significant person, getting to know them, and engaging in fierce combat along the way. However, the underlying premise concerning Shion's ability to foresee people's deaths adds a little spice to the otherwise mediocre story.
The characters this time are Naruto, Sakura, Rock Lee, and Neji, as I previously mentioned. You know what to anticipate from them if you've been watching Naruto Shippuuden, but as usual, Naruto is the main character and remains irritatingly foolish until a later point. Shion turns out to be a rather deep character herself, so it can be forgiven that it does the whole Naruto attaching himself to the main character thing like it always does. This time, the antagonists are quite creative-drug users-but their acts aren't really justified.
Since this is a motion picture, excellent production values are to be expected, and they are. Fluidly animated action sequences, amazing lighting effects and interactive settings. But it's evident that some details, like the CG army and fire effects, were trimmed. The soundtrack will make you feel as though you've heard it before, even though the music is really great and fits the emotions nicely. The humorous ED theme, however, is something that no one has heard before.