Directed by
Joseph Vilsmaier |
Writing Credits (in alphabetical order)
Rainer Berg |
Cast (in credits order)
Produced by
Cornelia Azzopardi Schellmann | ... | service producer: Malta |
Music by
Christian Heyne |
Cinematography by
Jörg Widmer |
Editing by
Dirk Grau |
Casting By
Anja Dihrberg-Siebler | ... | (as Anja Dihrberg) |
Production Design by
Joris Hamann | ... | co-production designer |
Lothar Holler |
Costume Design by
Natascha Curtius-Noss |
Makeup Department
Kerstin Baar | ... | additional makeup artist |
Dorothea Goldfuss | ... | additional makeup artist |
Peter C. Gutenberg | ... | makeup artist |
Doris Junker | ... | additional makeup artist |
Christine Krebs | ... | makeup artist |
Jana Lindner | ... | additional makeup artist (as Jana Schulze) |
Heiner Niehues | ... | makeup supervisor |
Production Management
Simon Sansone | ... | production manager: Malta |
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Colin Azzopardi | ... | assistant director: Malta |
Jens Höhne | ... | second unit director |
Marek Juracek | ... | first assistant director |
Art Department
Matthias Bargholz | ... | painter |
Marcus Berndt | ... | property master: outdoor |
Norman Haubold | ... | construction |
Sven Hausmann | ... | property master: outdoor |
Frank Herzog | ... | assistant art director |
Frank Jaeckel | ... | set builder |
Thomas Jakob | ... | carpenter: art department |
Helko Klünder | ... | construction |
Edgar Konkoll | ... | painter |
Ingo König | ... | construction |
Arndt Kühne | ... | set dresser |
Liliana Lambriev | ... | graphic designer: Schein Berlin |
Utz Neumann | ... | property master: indoor |
Thomas Pilzecker | ... | painter |
Matthias Prange | ... | swing gang |
Marco Pressler | ... | construction manager |
Achim Reimann | ... | painter |
Wolfgang Stadler | ... | property master: indoor |
Michael Timmermann | ... | swing gang |
Christian Weber | ... | carpenter |
Joey Weber | ... | property master: preproduction |
Wolfgang Wrede | ... | painter |
Sandra Zaffarese | ... | props buyer (as Sandra Banthorpe) |
René Zetzschke | ... | construction |
Sound Department
Lisa Geffcken-Reinhard | ... | dialogue editor |
Sebastian Heyser | ... | foley editor |
Peter Klinkenberg | ... | foley artist |
Holger Lehmann | ... | foley recordist |
Olaf Mehl | ... | re-recording mixer |
Matthias Pamperin | ... | boom operator |
Dominique Rueff | ... | boom operator |
Eric Rueff | ... | sound mixer |
Sebastian Schmidt | ... | dialogue editor |
Visual Effects by
Omid Arzhang | ... | digital artist |
Jan Burda | ... | compositing supervisor |
Heiko Burkardsmaier | ... | visual effects business affairs: Elektrofilm |
Andre Cantarel | ... | visual effects artist |
Anna-Lena Carl | ... | visual effects producer assistant |
Holger Delfs | ... | model maker |
Paul Dreisen | ... | lead lighting artist |
Boris Duprey | ... | junior digital artist |
Sascha Gritz | ... | digital compositor |
Daniela Hasenbring | ... | software engineer / technical director |
Christoph Hierl | ... | visual effects director |
Ellen Hoffmann | ... | animator |
Alexander Hupperich | ... | senior digital artist |
Stefan Ihringer | ... | digital compositor |
Thomas Kaufmann | ... | digital effects artist |
Marius Kuberczyk | ... | digital compositor |
Henning Lang | ... | digital compositor |
Thomas Lautenbach | ... | visual effects artist: Exozet Effects |
Sebastian Leutner | ... | visual effects producer |
Sven Martin | ... | visual effects supervisor |
Kathrin Julia Mueller | ... | digital compositor |
Jan Oberhauser | ... | digital compositor |
Michail Petrischenko | ... | modeler |
Niels Rinke | ... | head of visual effects |
Juliane Schaloske | ... | visual effects production coordinator |
Paul Schicketanz | ... | digital artist |
Benjamin Seide | ... | visual effects set supervisor |
Nhat Quang Tran | ... | digital artist |
Marco Wilz | ... | digital artist |
Michael Wortmann | ... | cg supervisor |
Robert Zeltsch | ... | digital artist |
Andrew Hillsden | ... | stunt double |
Wolfgang Raach | ... | stunts |
Camera and Electrical Department
Juan José Alcaide | ... | electrian: first unit |
Roland J. Bauer | ... | additional gaffer |
Michael Behrends | ... | second unit dolly grip |
Christian Benesch | ... | additional gaffer |
Max Bestle | ... | underwater filming |
Alexander Bittner | ... | additional gaffer |
Michelle Bondin | ... | additional gaffer |
Celio Castro | ... | electrian: first unit |
Jost Engelmayer | ... | electrian: first unit |
David Farrugia | ... | lighting technician |
Petja Gohr | ... | assistant grip |
Stefan Grabner | ... | assistant light |
Harry Groepler | ... | rigging gaffer |
Roman Gutt | ... | assistant light |
Oliver Haas | ... | lighting best boy: first unit |
Olaf Hübner | ... | grip |
Dan Jung | ... | additional gaffer |
Conny Klein | ... | still photographer |
Christian Knoepfle | ... | camera operator |
Helmfried Kober | ... | director of photography: second unit |
Thorsten Kosselek | ... | additional gaffer |
Tina Künnemann | ... | assistant light (as Lea Künnemann) |
Heiko Lange | ... | grip |
Oliver Moron | ... | first assistant camera |
John Preca Trapani | ... | camera loader: Malta |
Helmut Prein | ... | gaffer |
Nils Rausch | ... | additional gaffer |
Christian Saalfeld | ... | balloon light operator |
Claus Scheipers | ... | lighting technician (as Claus Vieruss) |
Bernd Schiewe | ... | additional gaffer |
Stephan Schneider | ... | additional gaffer |
Leah Striker | ... | additional cinematographer |
Andrea Theis | ... | assistant camera |
Patrick Touffexis | ... | additional gaffer |
Adrian van Bronswijk | ... | assistant light |
Jakob von Lenthe | ... | first assistant camera |
Thijs Wagelaar | ... | additional gaffer |
Daniel Weber | ... | clapper loader |
Lorenz Weißfuß | ... | video playback operator (as Lorenz Weissfuss) |
Casting Department
Robert Bonello | ... | casting assistant |
Bianca Kummrow | ... | casting assistant |
Edward Said | ... | casting |
Costume and Wardrobe Department
Carmen Agius | ... | set costumer |
Anke Baier | ... | additional wardrobe |
Julia Brandes | ... | assistant costume designer (as Juliane Brandes) |
Ernest Camilleri | ... | set costumer |
Annina Goldfuß | ... | additional wardrobe |
Natascha Gotowtschikow | ... | wardrobe |
Kati Lafin | ... | wardrobe |
Tatjana Lüpsen | ... | additional wardrobe |
Julia Raschke | ... | additional wardrobe |
Nele Simon | ... | wardrobe |
Katrin Siring | ... | wardrobe |
Birgit Turné | ... | additional wardrobe |
Olivia Vossenkuhl | ... | assistant costume designer |
Wiebke Wardenbach | ... | additional wardrobe |
Line Weichmann | ... | assistant costume designer |
Editorial Department
Birgit Vogt | ... | assistant editor |
Location Management
Sören von der Heyde | ... | location scout |
Music Department
Anja Bause | ... | score recordist |
Ferran Cruixent | ... | orchestrator |
Falko Duczmal | ... | scoring pro tools engineer |
Script and Continuity Department
Gabriele Mattner | ... | script supervisor |
Falk Schwalbe | ... | continuity |
Transportation Department
Siegmar Freiberg | ... | production driver |
Sascha Krense | ... | production driver |
Additional Crew
Rebecca Anastasi | ... | production assistant |
Abigail Borg | ... | diver |
Sammi Davis | ... | production coordinator: Malta |
Joshua Cassar Gaspar | ... | production assistant |
Miroslav Milanovic Miki | ... | 2nd Unit Production Assistant |
Mark Sansone | ... | assistant studio manager |