The notorious homicide detective Evert Bäckström is visited by his neighbor, the boy scout Edvin, who's made a macabre discovery; a woman's cranium with a bullet hole.
Jaidee seems to have died twice, both at Ofardson 'Misfortune Island' and during the tsunami catastrophe. Bäckström wants to interrogate the widower Daniel, but Hwass puts a stop to it as the tsunami is a sensitive issue.
Bäckström travels to Thailand to dig for clues about the circumstances around Jaidee's life and death. Meanwhile, the investigative team in Stockholm is following up on another lead - the missing Asian woman Mi Mi.
Bäckström has a theory about what might have happened to Jaidee - that she might have faked her own death in the tsunami. But the team is sceptical and Bäckström can't prove anything. Yet.
Bäckström is heartbroken by a great betrayal, but the work must still be done. Important questions are still to be answered. Who killed Jaidee? And why?