22 reviews
I'm glad I didn't see the trailer before watching this film as I would have been even more let down. It is very slow and really has no plot. It is definitely short of any real substance. There is no drama, suspense or energy at all or anywhere in the movie. It started out being a film I could have really enjoyed but as it went on I kept waiting for something, anything to happen. But it didn't. And it's another one of those with a empty ending. The acting was OK but just lacked a story and led to no where. The trailer hits on the only fairly good parts and adds more drama than what the movie represents. It would be OK for a teenager but for adults, I wouldn't recommend at all.
A bad director can ruin a film despite the cast and crews best efforts.
The casting was good as regard the main characters but the hot lesbians, whilst pleasing to the eye did the film no favours. I suspected that they were a later addition to spice up what was a rather stilted, poorly directed and edited movie, but it just served to spoil the film further(and this is a straight guy speaking). Anyway, I gathered that this was filmed on a low budget, however the camera work was very good. I am no stranger to film sets so I tend to notice little things. The railway line location they were principally using was disused, obviously so with all the rust, weeds and fallen deadwood. A coat of oil on top of the rails would have covered the rust and given the impression of recent use. An hour weeding, clearing the fallen twigs and uncovering the sleepers would have completed the impression that it was still in use and not just a defunct line to some old sawmill. Brendan Fehr has let himself go since Roswell days. The baggy shirts don't disguise this unfortunately and he walks like someone out of shape too. What would a gorgeous girl like Amelia really find attractive in a back woods short order chef who is his own best customer? Chad Lindberg is not a bad actor but his part smacked of just one take being enough to satisfy Mr A.D. Calvo.
Remake it with a new scriptwriter, with roles for Natassia and Beatrice that contribute to the story. Send Brendan to the gym for three hours a day for a month, and don't let A.D. Calvo direct it again.
The casting was good as regard the main characters but the hot lesbians, whilst pleasing to the eye did the film no favours. I suspected that they were a later addition to spice up what was a rather stilted, poorly directed and edited movie, but it just served to spoil the film further(and this is a straight guy speaking). Anyway, I gathered that this was filmed on a low budget, however the camera work was very good. I am no stranger to film sets so I tend to notice little things. The railway line location they were principally using was disused, obviously so with all the rust, weeds and fallen deadwood. A coat of oil on top of the rails would have covered the rust and given the impression of recent use. An hour weeding, clearing the fallen twigs and uncovering the sleepers would have completed the impression that it was still in use and not just a defunct line to some old sawmill. Brendan Fehr has let himself go since Roswell days. The baggy shirts don't disguise this unfortunately and he walks like someone out of shape too. What would a gorgeous girl like Amelia really find attractive in a back woods short order chef who is his own best customer? Chad Lindberg is not a bad actor but his part smacked of just one take being enough to satisfy Mr A.D. Calvo.
Remake it with a new scriptwriter, with roles for Natassia and Beatrice that contribute to the story. Send Brendan to the gym for three hours a day for a month, and don't let A.D. Calvo direct it again.
- CasualBuff1956
- May 26, 2013
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I had never heard of the movie. It was on Showtime when I was dozing on my recliner.
Excellent Acting by Brendan Fehr, Chad Lindberg, Shirley Knight and (wasn't she a genius on Malcolm???) Tania Raymonde.
It may have been written for those of us that watched our loved ones hang on while God is calling them home.
I'm not a touchy feely person but it made me think of my my mom who was a strong loving Canuck. She was proud, always had some mud potion or garlic potion that cured everything. She hung on to life because she knew we needed her love.
So this movie had nothing to do with a mother in Hospice Care. It did bring that all back to me, and strangely comforted me.
I think the writers and actors did their job.
Excellent Acting by Brendan Fehr, Chad Lindberg, Shirley Knight and (wasn't she a genius on Malcolm???) Tania Raymonde.
It may have been written for those of us that watched our loved ones hang on while God is calling them home.
I'm not a touchy feely person but it made me think of my my mom who was a strong loving Canuck. She was proud, always had some mud potion or garlic potion that cured everything. She hung on to life because she knew we needed her love.
So this movie had nothing to do with a mother in Hospice Care. It did bring that all back to me, and strangely comforted me.
I think the writers and actors did their job.
I can not understand the high rates because this film is really awful. It was so slow I lost interest by the middle of it. Easy to sort it out, I figured out the plot and the "mistery" in a bit less than an hour. No surprises. Acting was poor. It was really bad. The end was a "Cliché", well seen in other movies. Dating back to "The Others" (Alejandro Amenábar ) for example. The soundtrack is interesting though. I did not get scared in any moment. Some scenes did not seem to be necessary. The female cast is fine. Well do not need to say much, It's not worth watching. As I wrote before, It's slow, boring and totally predictable.
I was expecting more of a horror, especially with the preview I got on my steaming service of a creepy ghost girl stood on the railway tracks. Nope.
Instead I got a if "Hallmark" made horror style film, with cheesy soft rock music through out. A boring, predictable plot, and there isn't really much of a climax to the story either. None of the characters/actors have any chemistry between them. The acting is so mediocre it's forgettable.
Honestly this film is so dull.
The other reviews mention a "plot twist" but, the story is so obvious they send the viewers a postcard to tell you what's coming. I want that 93 minutes of my life back.
Instead I got a if "Hallmark" made horror style film, with cheesy soft rock music through out. A boring, predictable plot, and there isn't really much of a climax to the story either. None of the characters/actors have any chemistry between them. The acting is so mediocre it's forgettable.
Honestly this film is so dull.
The other reviews mention a "plot twist" but, the story is so obvious they send the viewers a postcard to tell you what's coming. I want that 93 minutes of my life back.
One of the worst movies on the planet. Come on seriously! Longer on much. I don't even know what it's about. I stopped figuring it out. Pointless hands down. I can't even fathom making a movie this boring. There is no twist. It's unclear what the damn plot is. No one in the movie has chemistry. Chemistry meaning for example Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Or Meg Ryan and Tom hanks chemistry. Ok we get it, the dude lost his girlfriend in a train accident. It's 90 minutes of stupid, stupid, and stupid. If you want a movie where the whole thing is a blockbuster, I suggest not watching this. You'll be disappointed!
- snowloverbreck
- Feb 28, 2023
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This movie may not be everyone's cup of tea; it's a love-it-or-hate-it experience. The performances were commendable, particularly Tanya Raymonde's, which held my fascination. Nevertheless, one must admit that the cinematography and dialogue did leave something to be desired. However, beneath these flaws lies a profound message, not overtly presented but subtly woven throughout, ensuring your involvement till the end. Initially uncertain about the plot, I found that everything was ultimately interconnected harmoniously. This film must be rewatched to fully understand it because a single viewing will not deliver the message. Overall it is a melancholic story about love, loss, and death. In my opinion, it was a good film even with a scant production budget.
- Amiri_Turay
- Jul 30, 2023
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Very gloomy movie - in a good way. A little slow (purposely?) but good plot. Probably low budget but they did well enough with what they had. Acting a little over the top sometimes by one character to the point of a bit annoying. Main character dialogue was too 'hesitant' at times but still tolerable. Very good cinematography and camera use/placement. The creepiness factor was always present. Music.. not bad but not so good either. Still worth watching. It may be one of those movies you have to be in the mood for though. For me it was one of those movies you may watch on a lazy, rainy, Sunday morning. Like the Lifetime Channel does to some people. It sucks you in and you HAVE to know the rest of the story. Only this one was much better. I really enjoyed it.
- kdtaylor611
- Aug 18, 2011
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If you didnt read the imdb summary before watching this, or never saw that one bruce willis movie, its excusable to not have seen how transparent the plot is. the hints are also strongly peppered throughout. plus, the music is giving everything away when the dialogue cant spell it out clearly enough. the movie couldve done without all the musical interludes, and might have been better for it. hallmarks of this film genre abound: good production value, wholesome characters, better-than-average acting, and a... well, that license plate at the end to seal the deal. unfortunately the timeline discrepancies are fundamental plot holes, and the overall message is surprisingly bleak. the directing & editing depts might have been given a stern talking-to for this. oh, and the movie poster is EXTREMELY misleading, as this was never scary or haunt-y at any moment. all in all: nothing new, not that great, unless youre in the mood to have a laugh and stare into the abyss
This Film is deeper than you think. You have to see it with the Karmhic wheel in mind. I'm not going to spoil the film, but it's more than meets the eye. Think of it on several levels before you review. There is a cult quality to it's form. Give it a good chance and as I said: Look deeper. The acting is right in form. There is deep foreboding throughout. Excellent main characters with superb appearances from very familiar actors. The mood is very stark in contrast to the very lush cinematography. This characteristic alone will keep you guessing. The music score is excellent in both composition and placement. Excellent coverage and interpersonal relationships. Is it confusing? Yes. It's supposed to be, but the payoff ties everything together nicely, and at the same time leaves options and questions open. A great movie for thinkers. Not your run of the mill suspense supernatural thriller. This film has more to it than meets the eye.
- patrickkeogh
- Dec 25, 2010
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This kind of stuff is definitely not my cup of tea, but that doesn't justify this is a crap, absolutely no. I though about Rob Reiner's STAND BY ME, the setting with the rail way in the middle of nowhere, the eerie tale and the mid fantasy atmosphere. Yes, this is a beautiful feature unfortunately not for all audiences. I recommend it anyway. Thanks Amazon prime Video to have showed it.
- searchanddestroy-1
- Jan 7, 2021
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At first this movie really caught my attention with this man's struggle on losing someone close. I believe everyone can appreciate the pain with handling a broken heart, whether in death or not. This ending lost all of my respect on what this movie I thought was trying to show people. Do we not have enough negativity in every aspect of life? To portray love in this manner honestly just shows us what our society believes about true love and what it can enable us to do. This boys best friend is what I define love to really be. He was showing no selfishness like the girlfriend. That is not true love and it is not portrayed in the ending. We lose people daily to suicide over broken hearts and them choosing death over staying alive for moms, dads, brothers, and so on but most importantly for their children and they leave them behind all over a broken heart. Just imagine the children that have to grow up believing that their parent just didn't love them enough to stick around. This movie basically was suicide. I'm sorry but this movie could have been a huge eye opener for people that are really struggling in similar situations, maybe not from death but from a broken relationship and trying to move on without the person they love. This shows to just give up.
Saw this on Showtime this week and loved it. Wasn't really expecting anything and was surprised to find a cool independent film on a major cable network. The music was great and the haunting feel of the story made me want to snuggle up with my guy. Googled it and saw the film is a bit old. Not sure why its just coming out. Definitely the kind of movie you want to watch more than once. In fact I've already watched it twice. Lots of twists that put things in a diff perspective. Chad Lindberg is amazing. I love ghost stories but don't like too much blood and gore, so this was perfect for me. Haunting and suspenseful, but not too scary (well, except for one or two good "jumps" :) Recommend it. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
- greene1014
- Dec 17, 2010
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I actually enjoyed this movie a great deal. It was slowly paced, without a doubt. I actually rated this lower than I wanted to, but there were too many plot holes for me to rate it higher. Without spoiling anything, I questioned how someone wouldn't remember that certain loved ones were dead. I also never could decide if one character was alive and active or had been in a coma for years. All in all a Lifetime original meets the Twilight Zone. For those who like romantic supernatural films, I recommend it. For those who want a ghost film with scares, skip it.
I am a big fan of A.D. Calvo's approach to the thriller/horror genre precisely because it is craftily understated, subtle, eerie, goose-bumpy, and truly haunting. In a genre where movies are commonly padded with obvious digital special effects, cliché chase scenes, gratuitous gore, and incessant explosions, Other Side of the Tracks sets itself apart by being truly about the story first, before the techniques. It is a carefully conceived and beautifully made psychological thriller whose ending forces one to think back through each scene to try to piece together its full meaning. It stays with the you for a while, and makes you think about your own perceptions, memories, delusions, fantasies, etc.
Gorgeously filmed in rural Connecticut, featuring a particularly powerful performance by Chad Lindberg, and with a beautiful and evocative score by composer Joe Carrano, Other Side of the Tracks is a remarkable debut film from a very talented director, and I'd like to see where he goes next.
Gorgeously filmed in rural Connecticut, featuring a particularly powerful performance by Chad Lindberg, and with a beautiful and evocative score by composer Joe Carrano, Other Side of the Tracks is a remarkable debut film from a very talented director, and I'd like to see where he goes next.
This is one of my all-time favorite movies. I was thinking about the movie all night afterward and more the next day. A friend I saw the movie with, called to mention that he keeps thinking about the movie too.
The last movie that left me thinking so much afterward was "A Beautiful Mind". This is a very well-thought-out story and one that people of all ages would enjoy. It's hard to categorize this movie as it seems to qualify as a romance, thriller, horror, and perhaps even drama.
I can't wait to see it again. My wife and daughter are very eager to see this after hearing all of my feedback.
The last movie that left me thinking so much afterward was "A Beautiful Mind". This is a very well-thought-out story and one that people of all ages would enjoy. It's hard to categorize this movie as it seems to qualify as a romance, thriller, horror, and perhaps even drama.
I can't wait to see it again. My wife and daughter are very eager to see this after hearing all of my feedback.
- softwaresolutions
- Oct 30, 2009
- Permalink
Beautiful Connecticut summer scenery is the background for this suspenseful story with a surprise ending. A creative plot line and lush cinematography make this movie a pleasure to watch. The entertaining film is easy to follow but enigmatic till the end. This movie stays with you long after is over, forcing you to reexamine your memories of each scene. I look forward to more productions from this talented new director. He appears to have a keen sense of mystery and aesthetics. The movie was reminiscent of The Hours and The Sixth Sense but with a fresh ambiance. I recommend it to anyone who appreciates a good fantasy thriller. Enjoy!
- delia-berlin
- Dec 25, 2010
- Permalink
Great film! Great ending ... I was totally surprised.
I really liked Chad Lindberg's performance ... that guy is a great character actor.
The story takes leads you to believe one thing but in really is different than what you are lead to believe. It is a film that has a twist that you don't see coming that makes you rethink all of the dialog up to that point. Clever story with an ending that can be considered uplifting or a tragedy depending on your own point of view.
I also really enjoyed the music in the film. Lots of great upcoming bands from all over.
I definitely recommend it!
I really liked Chad Lindberg's performance ... that guy is a great character actor.
The story takes leads you to believe one thing but in really is different than what you are lead to believe. It is a film that has a twist that you don't see coming that makes you rethink all of the dialog up to that point. Clever story with an ending that can be considered uplifting or a tragedy depending on your own point of view.
I also really enjoyed the music in the film. Lots of great upcoming bands from all over.
I definitely recommend it!
At first I wasn't sure where the movie was going. I knew the tiny bit of synopsis. Josh is upset about losing her girlfriend ten years ago. His buddy Russ comes back in to town and then you see how things unfold. The story was great, so many things now make sense after seeing the ending. I was not expecting the cast to be this good. It really added to the story so by the end everything makes since. Of course my true motive to see this film was Chad Lindberg & it only took me three years to see it but it was definitely worth it. The entire cast made it, and the story at first will seem a little confusing but the cast flows it right a long. The soundtrack was great a lot of awesome music to be heard through out the film. I recommend this film to anyone who loves a great cast and a great story!~!
- Roxburyfunny1
- Feb 10, 2011
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- bettyblueforyou
- Jan 25, 2011
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