Louis Theroux credited as playing...
Self - Presenter
- Steve Drain: The Jews killed Christ! You're going to try to say they worship the same God that I worship?
- Louis Theroux: Newsflash, brainiac. Christ was Jewish!
- Fred Phelps: [During an interview] You've got the duty to know the Bible as well as I do.
- Louis Theroux: Why?
- Fred Phelps: Because you're a human being. Because God Almighty made you and God Almighty is going to send your ass to hell.
- Louis Theroux: [attending a picket with the church at a funeral] I mean, I've only been out here 25 minutes or so, but so far the reaction has been, I'd say, a 100% negative. Would you agree?
- Bekah Phelps-Roper: Uh huh. Yeah, I would agree.
- Louis Theroux: Do you think maybe there's another way of delivering the message, maybe like a letter of consolation to the family of the soldier?
- Bekah Phelps-Roper: Oh, we send letters all the time, but not consolations.
- [dictating]
- Bekah Phelps-Roper: "You anger the Lord, your God and now he's cursed your family." There's no consolation there. They're not going to have any consolation.