This film tells about the friendship of four teenagers, namely Wennie (Aliyah Faiziah), Nina (Dara Rizki), Wulan (Meta Permadi), and Cherry (Laura Theux). One day the four friends went to the villa for a party and vacation. During the party, Wennie experienced an unwanted incident, Al Ghazali committed violence against Winnie which was witnessed by his friends. This made Wennie unable to forget the tragedy. Several years later, Wennie, Nina, Wulan, and Cherry meet again and plan a vacation to the same villa to party. But the situation there is not like before, because the condition of the villa is haunted. For the second time, they experienced tragedy. Wennie's arrival at the villa was originally intended to forget what happened a few years ago that happened to her, but her presence made the trauma she was experiencing even more real. The presence of terror by the curious spirits of the villa residents adds to the panic of Wennie and her three friends.