In the scene where Kozlowski is first arrested, the exterior shots with the police officers at the house clearly show the number address as "3410". Once inside, the officer calls for backup to "321 Spruce Avenue".
At the beginning of the movie the couple are driving a newer model year Ford Focus. Throughout the movie it switches between an old and new model.
When the police officer searches the basement of the house for missing child, he shines his flashlight on some blood partially covered by a caged animal. When a second camera is used to continue the scene the blood is no longer covered, at all, by the cage.
40 to 50 mins into the film, the main couple torture their victim with horrible burns on his chest and stomach. A little over an hour into the film, they decide to inflict more torture on our victims stomach. Miraculously, all the wounds inflicted previously have healed and disappeared.
As Craig holds an old family photo while considering taking drugs, the picture frame has clearly been hung in "portrait" fashion (judging by the direction of the wire affixed to the back) yet the photograph itself is a landscape image.
Prisoner transfers, especially of high profile or nefarious criminals (such as John Kozlowski) typically consist of between three to four vehicles. A scout vehicle driving about a mile or two ahead of the prisoner van, a "chase vehicle" driving immediately behind, and sometimes a fourth vehicle on standby in case an outside attack to free a prisoner. The transfers are also often unscheduled and typically occur at night as part of a system to discourage attacks. The scenario where the Landry's so easily commandeer the lone prisoner van would simply never happen.
When the detective arrives at the site of the prison van crash, lights and camera are reflected in his car doors.
Judging by the license plates and the sign behind the judge, this movie takes place in Vermont. However, the long shot right before the first court scene shows a harbor with towering high
rises behind it. The tallest building in Vermont is only 11 stories.
The action is supposed to take place in Vermont. The gas station is Esso and the price posted is in liter. This is clearly shot in Canada as in Vermont, it would have been a Exxon station and a price per gallon.